Lotfollah Karimzadeh
Cited by
Cited by
PET/MRI in head and neck cancer: initial experience
I Platzek, B Beuthien-Baumann, M Schneider, V Gudziol, J Langner, ...
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 40, 6-11, 2013
Sorption of uranyl and arsenate on SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2 and FeOOH
S Nair, L Karimzadeh, BJ Merkel
Environmental Earth Sciences 72, 3507-3512, 2014
Effect of microbial siderophore DFO-B on Cd accumulation by Thlaspi caerulescens hyperaccumulator in the presence of zeolite
L Karimzadeh, H Heilmeier, BJ Merkel
Chemosphere 88 (6), 683-687, 2012
Surface complexation modeling of Uranium (VI) sorption on quartz in the presence and absence of alkaline earth metals
S Nair, L Karimzadeh, BJ Merkel
Environmental earth sciences 71, 1737-1745, 2014
Systematic investigation of projectile fragmentation using beams of unstable B and C isotopes
R Thies, A Heinz, T Adachi, Y Aksyutina, J Alcantara-Núnes, S Altstadt, ...
Physical Review C 93 (5), 054601, 2016
Effect of glutamic acid on copper sorption onto kaolinite-Batch experiments and surface complexation modeling
L Karimzadeh, R Barthen, M Stockmann, M Gruendig, K Franke, ...
Chemosphere 178, 277-281, 2017
Effect of DTPA on europium sorption onto quartz–Batch sorption experiments and surface complexation modeling
L Karimzadeh, H Lippold, M Stockmann, C Fischer
Chemosphere 239, 124771, 2020
Implementing heterogeneous crystal surface reactivity in reactive transport simulations: The example of calcite dissolution
L Karimzadeh, C Fischer
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 5 (9), 2408-2418, 2021
Mobility and transport of copper (II) influenced by the microbial siderophore DFOB: Column experiment and modelling
L Karimzadeh, J Lippmann-Pipke, K Franke, H Lippold
Chemosphere 173, 326-329, 2017
Glutamic acid leaching of synthetic covellite–A model system combining experimental data and geochemical modeling
R Barthen, L Karimzadeh, M Gründig, J Grenzer, H Lippold, K Franke, ...
Chemosphere 196, 368-376, 2018
Wastes in Underground Coal Mines and Their Behavior during Mine Water Level Rebound—A Review
P Mittelstädt, N Pollmann, L Karimzadeh, H Kories, C Klinger
Minerals 13 (12), 1496, 2023
Effect of pH on the mobility of the herbicide MCPA in a sand-goethite column: 1D and 2D reactive transport modeling
H Lippold, L Karimzadeh, J Kulenkampff, L Wissmeier, C Stuhlfauth, ...
Applied Geochemistry 98, 345-350, 2018
Mass transfer processes across the Capillary Fringe: Quantification of gas-water interface and bubble mediated mass transfer
H Geistlinger, S Mohammadian, S Schlüter, L Karimzadeh, HJ Vogel
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-3343, 2013
Transport of Waste Material Contaminants during Mine Water Level Rebound in Underground Coal Mines of the Ruhr Area, Germany–Application of Finite-Volume Reactive Transport …
L Karimzadeh, N Pollmann, P Mittelstädt, C Klinger
Preprints, 2023
Improving fracture-flow models by experimental evidence from process tomography.
C Fischer, J Kulenkampff, L Karimzadeh, F Jankovsky, M Zuna, V Havlova
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Coupled dissolution-precipitation reactive transport modeling at the pore scale.
L Karimzadeh, C Fischer
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Publications Repository-Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
R Barthen, L Karimzadeh, M Gründig, J Grenzer, H Lippold, K Franke, ...
Chemosphere 196, 368-376, 2018
Reactive transport modelling based on velocity fields obtained on drill core scale
J Lippmann-Pipke, L Karimzadeh, P Blanc, S Eichelbaum, S Schymura, ...
IMWA 2016–Mining Meets Water–Conflicts and Solutions, 2016
Sorption of uranyl and arsenate on SiO₂, Al ₂O ₃, TiO ₂ and FeOOH
S Nair, L Karimzadeh, BJ Merkel
Environmental earth sciences, 2014
Effect of Microbial Siderophore DFO-B on Metal Mobility and Bioavailability
L Karimzadeh
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Articles 1–20