Amandeep Singh Virk
Amandeep Singh Virk
Engineering Director
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A review of bast fibres and their composites. Part 1–Fibres as reinforcements
J Summerscales, NPJ Dissanayake, AS Virk, W Hall
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 41 (10), 1329-1335, 2010
Modulus and strength prediction for natural fibre composites
AS Virk, W Hall, J Summerscales
Materials Science and Technology 28 (7), 864-871, 2012
Failure strain as the key design criterion for fracture of natural fibre composites
AS Virk, W Hall, J Summerscales
Composites Science and Technology 70 (6), 995-999, 2010
A review of bast fibres and their composites: Part 3–Modelling
J Summerscales, A Virk, W Hall
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 44, 132-139, 2013
Composite repair of pipelines, considering the effect of live pressure-analytical and numerical models with respect to ISO/TS 24817 and ASME PCC-2
N Saeed, H Ronagh, A Virk
Composites Part B: Engineering 58, 605-610, 2014
Multiple Data Set (MDS) weak-link scaling analysis of jute fibres
AS Virk, W Hall, J Summerscales
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 40 (11), 1764-1771, 2009
A fibre diameter distribution factor (FDDF) for natural fibre composites
J Summerscales, W Hall, AS Virk
Journal of materials science 46, 5876-5880, 2011
Tensile properties of jute fibres
AS Virk, W Hall, J Summerscales
Materials Science and Technology 25 (10), 1289-1295, 2009
Numerical models for natural fibre composites with stochastic properties
AS Virk
University of Plymouth, 2010
Physical characterization of jute technical fibers: fiber dimensions
AS Virk, W Hall, J Summerscales
Journal of Natural Fibers 7 (3), 216-228, 2010
Finite element analysis of natural fiber composites using a self-updating model
Z Javanbakht, W Hall, AS Virk, J Summerscales, A Öchsner
Journal of Composite Materials 54 (23), 3275-3286, 2020
Enhanced rules-of-mixture for natural fibre reinforced polymer matrix (nfrp) composites (comment on lau et al. in volume 136)
J Summerscales, AS Virk, W Hall
Composites Part B: Engineering 160, 167-169, 2019
Modelling tensile properties of jute fibres
AS Virk, W Hall, J Summerscales
Materials Science and Technology 27 (1), 458-460, 2011
Fibre area correction factors (FACF) for the extended rules-of-mixtures for natural fibre reinforced composites
J Summerscales, AS Virk, W Hall
Materials Today: Proceedings 31, S318-S320, 2020
Design, manufacture, mechanical testing and numerical modelling of an asymmetric composite crossbow limb
AS Virk, J Summerscales, W Hall, SM Grove, ME Miles
Composites Part B: Engineering 40 (3), 249-257, 2009
Microstructural characterisation of jute/epoxy quasi-unidirectional composites
AS Virk, W Hall, J Summerscales
Applied Composite Materials 21, 885-903, 2014
Reliability-based assessment of safe excavation pressure for dented pipelines
C Okoloekwe, M Fowler, A Virk, N Yoosef-Ghodsi, M Kainat
International Pipeline Conference 84447, V001T03A013, 2020
Implementation of API 1183 Recommended Practice for Reliability-Based Assessment of Dents in Liquid Pipelines
M Kainat, A Virk, N Yoosef-Ghodsi, S Bott
International Pipeline Conference 86571, V002T03A013, 2022
Application of Noise Filtering Techniques for the Quantification of Uncertainty in Dent Strain Calculations
N Ergezinger, AS Virk, J Woo, M Kainat, S Adeeb
International Pipeline Conference 84447, V001T03A026, 2020
Investigating the effects of pipe live pressure on the design of composite overwrap repairs
N Saeed, H Ronagh, A Virk, M Ashraf
Australasian Structural Engineering Conference 2012: The Past, Present and …, 2012
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Articles 1–20