Chun H. Wang
Chun H. Wang
Scientia Professor, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
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Cited by
A synthetic time-reversal imaging method for structural health monitoring
CH Wang, JT Rose, FK Chang
Smart materials and structures 13 (2), 415, 2004
Current status of carbon fibre and carbon fibre composites recycling
J Zhang, VS Chevali, H Wang, CH Wang
Composites Part B: Engineering 193, 108053, 2020
Hybrid composite laminates reinforced with glass/carbon woven fabrics for lightweight load bearing structures
J Zhang, K Chaisombat, S He, CH Wang
Materials & Design 36, 75-80, 2012
A path-independent parameter for fatigue under proportional and non-proportional loading
CH Wang, MW Brown
Fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures 16 (12), 1285-1297, 1993
Aligning multilayer graphene flakes with an external electric field to improve multifunctional properties of epoxy nanocomposites
S Wu, RB Ladani, J Zhang, E Bafekrpour, K Ghorbani, AP Mouritz, ...
Carbon 94, 607-618, 2015
Two-birds-one-stone: multifunctional supercapacitors beyond traditional energy storage
Y Zhou, H Qi, J Yang, Z Bo, F Huang, MS Islam, X Lu, L Dai, R Amal, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (4), 1854-1896, 2021
Life Prediction Tecliniques for Variable Amplitude IVIultiaxial Fatigue—Part 1: Theories
CH Wang, MW Brown
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 118, 367-370, 1996
Novel Electrically Conductive Porous PDMS/Carbon Nanofiber Composites for Deformable Strain Sensors and Conductors
S Wu, J Zhang, RB Ladani, AR Ravindran, AP Mouritz, AJ Kinloch, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (16), 14207-14215, 2017
Improving the through-thickness thermal and electrical conductivity of carbon fibre/epoxy laminates by exploiting synergy between graphene and silver nano-inclusions
E Kandare, AA Khatibi, S Yoo, R Wang, J Ma, P Olivier, N Gleizes, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 69, 72-82, 2015
Strain Sensors with Adjustable Sensitivity by Tailoring the Microstructure of Graphene Aerogel/PDMS Nanocomposites
S Wu, RB Ladani, J Zhang, K Ghorbani, X Zhang, AP Mouritz, AJ Kinloch, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (37), 24853-24861, 2016
On the design methodology of scarf repairs to composite laminates
CH Wang, AJ Gunnion
Composites Science and Technology 68 (1), 35-46, 2008
Recent Advances in Fiber‐Shaped Supercapacitors and Lithium‐Ion Batteries
Y Zhou, CH Wang, W Lu, L Dai
Advanced Materials 32 (5), 1902779, 2020
MXene/chitosan nanocoating for flexible polyurethane foam towards remarkable fire hazards reductions
B Lin, ACY Yuen, A Li, Y Zhang, TBY Chen, B Yu, EWM Lee, S Peng, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 381, 120952, 2020
Development of polymer composites using modified, high-structural integrity graphene platelets
J Ma, Q Meng, I Zaman, S Zhu, A Michelmore, N Kawashima, CH Wang, ...
Composites Science and Technology 91, 82-90, 2014
Crushing analysis for novel bio-inspired hierarchical circular structures subjected to axial load
Y Zhang, X Xu, J Wang, T Chen, CH Wang
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 140, 407-431, 2018
Out-of-plane crashworthiness of bio-inspired self-similar regular hierarchical honeycombs
Y Zhang, M Lu, CH Wang, G Sun, G Li
Composite Structures 144, 1-13, 2016
Machine-learning assisted laser powder bed fusion process optimization for AlSi10Mg: New microstructure description indices and fracture mechanisms
Q Liu, H Wu, MJ Paul, P He, Z Peng, B Gludovatz, JJ Kruzic, CH Wang, ...
Acta Materialia 201, 316-328, 2020
Introduction to fracture mechanics
CH Wang
DSTO Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory, 1996
Recent advances in rational design of polymer nanocomposite dielectrics for energy storage
H Hu, F Zhang, S Luo, W Chang, J Yue, CH Wang
Nano Energy 74, 104844, 2020
Improving the toughness and electrical conductivity of epoxy nanocomposites by using aligned carbon nanofibres
RB Ladani, S Wu, AJ Kinloch, K Ghorbani, J Zhang, AP Mouritz, CH Wang
Composites Science and Technology 117, 146-158, 2015
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Articles 1–20