Tim Buszard
Tim Buszard
Performance Science - New York Yankees
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Cited by
Scaling the equipment and play area in children’s sport to improve motor skill acquisition: A systematic review
T Buszard, M Reid, R Masters, D Farrow
Sports medicine 46, 829-843, 2016
The effect of ball compression on the match-play characteristics of elite junior tennis players
K Kachel, T Buszard, M Reid
Journal of sports sciences 33 (3), 320-326, 2015
Scaling sporting equipment for children promotes implicit processes during performance
T Buszard, D Farrow, M Reid, RSW Masters
Consciousness and cognition 30, 247-255, 2014
Modifying equipment in early skill development: A tennis perspective
T Buszard, D Farrow, M Reid, RSW Masters
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 85 (2), 218-225, 2014
Working memory capacity limits motor learning when implementing multiple instructions
T Buszard, D Farrow, SJJM Verswijveren, M Reid, J Williams, R Polman, ...
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1350, 2017
Scaling tennis racquets during PE in primary school to enhance motor skill acquisition
T Buszard, M Reid, RSW Masters, D Farrow
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 87 (4), 414-420, 2016
Quantifying contextual interference and its effect on skill transfer in skilled youth tennis players
T Buszard, M Reid, L Krause, S Kovalchik, D Farrow
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1931, 2017
Skill acquisition methods fostering physical literacy in early-physical education (SAMPLE-PE): Rationale and study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial in 5–6 …
JR Rudd, M Crotti, K Fitton-Davies, L O’Callaghan, F Bardid, T Utesch, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1228, 2020
Examining movement specific reinvestment and working memory capacity in adults and children.
T Buszard, D Farrow, FF Zhu, RSW Masters
International Journal of Sport Psychology, 2013
Examining the representativeness of a virtual reality environment for simulation of tennis performance
P Le Noury, T Buszard, M Reid, D Farrow
Journal of Sports Sciences 39 (4), 412-420, 2021
Helping coaches apply the principles of representative learning design: validation of a tennis specific practice assessment tool
L Krause, D Farrow, M Reid, T Buszard, R Pinder
Journal of Sports Sciences 36 (11), 1277-1286, 2018
Exploring the applicability of the contextual interference effect in sports practice
D Farrow, T Buszard
Progress in brain research 234, 69-83, 2017
Charting the development of sport expertise: challenges and opportunities
D Farrow, M Reid, T Buszard, S Kovalchik
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 11 (1), 238-257, 2018
Scaling constraints in junior tennis: the influence of net height on skilled players’ match-play performance
V Limpens, T Buszard, E Shoemaker, GJP Savelsbergh, M Reid
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 89 (1), 1-10, 2018
The generalizability of working-memory capacity in the sport domain
T Buszard, RSW Masters, D Farrow
Current Opinion in Psychology 16, 54-57, 2017
Comparing the efficacy (RCT) of learning a dance choreography and practicing creative dance on improving executive functions and motor competence in 6–7 years old children
J Rudd, T Buszard, S Spittle, L O'Callaghan, L Oppici
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 53, 101846, 2021
Efficacy of a 7-week dance (RCT) PE curriculum with different teaching pedagogies and levels of cognitive challenge to improve working memory capacity and motor competence in 8 …
L Oppici, JR Rudd, T Buszard, S Spittle
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 50, 101675, 2020
Examining the influence of acute instructional approaches on the decision-making performance of experienced team field sport players
T Buszard, D Farrow, J Kemp
Journal of sports sciences 31 (3), 238-247, 2013
Scaling sports equipment for children promotes functional movement variability
T Buszard, A Garofolini, M Reid, D Farrow, L Oppici, D Whiteside
Scientific reports 10 (1), 3111, 2020
The relationship between working memory capacity and cortical activity during performance of a novel motor task
T Buszard, D Farrow, FF Zhu, RSW Masters
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 22, 247-254, 2016
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Articles 1–20