Thanos Avramidis
Thanos Avramidis
Other namesAthanassios N. Avramidis, Athanasios Avramidis
Lecturer in Operational Research, Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, UK
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Modeling daily arrivals to a telephone call center
AN Avramidis, A Deslauriers, P L'Ecuyer
Management Science 50 (7), 896-908, 2004
The application of forecasting techniques to modeling emergency medical system calls in Calgary, Alberta
N Channouf, P L’Ecuyer, A Ingolfsson, AN Avramidis
Health care management science 10, 25-45, 2007
Optimizing daily agent scheduling in a multiskill call center
AN Avramidis, W Chan, M Gendreau, P L’ecuyer, O Pisacane
European journal of operational research 200 (3), 822-832, 2010
Markov chain models of a telephone call center with call blending
A Deslauriers, P L’Ecuyer, J Pichitlamken, A Ingolfsson, AN Avramidis
Computers & operations research 34 (6), 1616-1645, 2007
Correlation-induction techniques for estimating quantiles in simulation experiments
AN Avramidis, JR Wilson
Proceedings of the 27th conference on Winter simulation, 268-277, 1995
Efficient Monte Carlo and quasi–Monte Carlo option pricing under the variance gamma model
AN Avramidis, P L’Ecuyer
Management Science 52 (12), 1930-1944, 2006
Integrated variance reduction strategies for simulation
AN Avramidis, JR Wilson
Operations Research 44 (2), 327-346, 1996
Modeling and simulation of call centers
AN Avramidis, P L'Ecuyer
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2005., 9 pp., 2005
Staffing multi-skill call centers via search methods and a performance approximation
AN Avramidis, W Chan, P L'Ecuyer
Iie Transactions 41 (6), 483-497, 2009
Efficient simulation of gamma and variance-gamma processes
Avramidis, Tremblay
Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, 2003. 1, 319-326 Vol. 1, 2003
Modelling and simulation of a telephone call center
Pichitlamken, Deslauriers, Avramidis
Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, 2003. 2, 1805-1812 vol. 2, 2003
Efficiency improvements for pricing American options with a stochastic mesh
AN Avramidis, P Hyden
Proceedings of the 31st conference on Winter simulation: Simulation---a …, 1999
Efficient correlation matching for fitting discrete multivariate distributions with arbitrary marginals and normal-copula dependence
AN Avramidis, N Channouf, P L'Ecuyer
INFORMS Journal on Computing 21 (1), 88-106, 2009
Overlapping batch statistics
BW Schmeiser, TN Avramidis, S Hashem
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1990
Control of a batch-processing machine: a computational approach
AN Avramidis, KJ Healy, R Uzsoy
International Journal of Production Research 36 (11), 3167-3181, 1998
Simulation-based optimization of agent scheduling in multiskill call centers.
AN Avramidis, M Gendreau, P L'Ecuyer, O Pisacane
A splitting scheme for control variates
AN Avramidis, JR Wilson
Operations Research Letters 14 (4), 187-198, 1993
Convergence of the stochastic mesh estimator for pricing Bermudan options
AN Avramidis, H Matzinger
Journal of Computational Finance 7 (4), 73-91, 2004
Simulation of stochastic activity networks using path control variates
AN Avramidis, KW Bauer Jr, JR Wilson
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 38 (2), 183-201, 1991
A flexible method for estimating inverse distribution functions in simulation experiments
AN Avramidis, JR Wilson
ORSA Journal on Computing 6 (4), 342-355, 1994
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Articles 1–20