Anastasia Dalziell
Anastasia Dalziell
Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment
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Cited by
Song matching, overlapping, and switching in the banded wren: the sender's perspective
SL Vehrencamp, ML Hall, ER Bohman, CD Depeine, AH Dalziell
Behavioral Ecology 18 (5), 849-859, 2007
Dance choreography is coordinated with song repertoire in a complex avian display
AH Dalziell, RA Peters, A Cockburn, AD Dorland, AC Maisey, RD Magrath
Current Biology 23 (12), 1132-1135, 2013
Mimicry for all modalities
AH Dalziell, JA Welbergen
Ecology Letters 19 (6), 609-619, 2016
Avian vocal mimicry: a unified conceptual framework
AH Dalziell, JA Welbergen, B Igic, RD Magrath
Biological Reviews 90 (2), 643-668, 2015
How to be fed but not eaten: nestling responses to parental food calls and the sound of a predator's footsteps
RD Magrath, BJ Pitcher, AH Dalziell
Animal behaviour 74 (5), 1117-1129, 2007
Dawn song in superb fairy-wrens: a bird that seeks extrapair copulations during the dawn chorus
AH Dalziell, A Cockburn
Animal Behaviour 75 (2), 489-500, 2008
Comparative bioacoustics: a roadmap for quantifying and comparing animal sounds across diverse taxa
KJ Odom, M Araya‐Salas, JL Morano, RA Ligon, GM Leighton, CC Taff, ...
Biological Reviews 96 (4), 1135-1159, 2021
Superb fairy-wren males aggregate into hidden leks to solicit extragroup fertilizations before dawn
A Cockburn, AH Dalziell, CJ Blackmore, MC Double, H Kokko, ...
Behavioral Ecology 20 (3), 501-510, 2009
Fooling the experts: accurate vocal mimicry in the song of the superb lyrebird, Menura novaehollandiae
AH Dalziell, RD Magrath
Animal behaviour 83 (6), 1401-1410, 2012
Avian vocalisations: the female perspective
VI Austin, AH Dalziell, NE Langmore, JA Welbergen
Biological Reviews 96 (4), 1484-1503, 2021
Elaborate mimetic vocal displays by female superb lyrebirds
AH Dalziell, JA Welbergen
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4, 34, 2016
Male lyrebirds create a complex acoustic illusion of a mobbing flock during courtship and copulation
AH Dalziell, AC Maisey, RD Magrath, JA Welbergen
Current Biology 31 (9), 1970-1976. e4, 2021
Higher-order sequences of vocal mimicry performed by male Albert's lyrebirds are socially transmitted and enhance acoustic contrast
F Backhouse, AH Dalziell, RD Magrath, JA Welbergen
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1970), 20212498, 2022
Ghost bats exhibit informative daily and seasonal temporal patterns in the production of social vocalisations
N Hanrahan, C Turbill, KN Armstrong, AH Dalziell, JA Welbergen
Australian Journal of Zoology 67 (6), 305-315, 2021
Differential geographic patterns in song components of male Albert’s lyrebirds
F Backhouse, AH Dalziell, RD Magrath, AN Rice, TL Crisologo, ...
Ecology and Evolution 11 (6), 2701-2716, 2021
Male superb lyrebirds mimic functionally distinct heterospecific vocalizations during different modes of sexual display
AH Dalziell, JA Welbergen, RD Magrath
Animal Behaviour 188, 181-196, 2022
Climate Change and the impacts of extreme events on Australia's Wet Tropics biodiversity
J Welbergen, J Meade, C Storlie, J Vanderwal, A Dalziell, L Hodgson, ...
Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, 2015
Destruction of a conspecific nest by a female Superb Lyrebird: evidence for reproductive suppression in a bird with female-only parental care
VI Austin, JA Welbergen, AC Maisey, MG Lindsay, AH Dalziell
Behaviour 156 (15), 1459-1469, 2019
Depleted cultural richness of an avian vocal mimic in fragmented habitat
F Backhouse, JA Welbergen, RD Magrath, AH Dalziell
Diversity and Distributions 29 (1), 109-122, 2023
The ecology of vocal mimicry in the superb lyrebird, Menura novaehollandiae
AH Dalziell
The Australian National University, 2012
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Articles 1–20