Dr Celine Valery
Dr Celine Valery
Senior Lecturer (Pharmaceutical Sciences), RMIT University
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Hierarchical architectures by synergy between dynamical template self-assembly and biomineralization
E Pouget, E Dujardin, A Cavalier, A Moreac, C Valéry, V Marchi-Artzner, ...
Nature materials 6 (6), 434-439, 2007
Biomimetic organization: Octapeptide self-assembly into nanotubes of viral capsid-like dimension
C Valéry, M Paternostre, B Robert, T Gulik-Krzywicki, T Narayanan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (18), 10258-10262, 2003
Therapeutic uses of somatostatin and its analogues: Current view and potential applications
U Rai, TR Thrimawithana, C Valery, SA Young
Pharmacology & therapeutics 152, 98-110, 2015
Peptide nanotubes: molecular organisations, self-assembly mechanisms and applications
C Valéry, F Artzner, M Paternostre
Soft Matter 7 (20), 9583-9594, 2011
Molecular engineering of antimicrobial peptides: Microbial targets, peptide motifs and translation opportunities
P Cardoso, H Glossop, TG Meikle, A Aburto-Medina, CE Conn, V Sarojini, ...
Biophysical reviews 13, 35-69, 2021
Elucidation of the self-assembly pathway of lanreotide octapeptide into β-sheet nanotubes: role of two stable intermediates
E Pouget, N Fay, E Dujardin, N Jamin, P Berthault, L Perrin, A Pandit, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (12), 4230-4241, 2010
Control of peptide nanotube diameter by chemical modifications of an aromatic residue involved in a single close contact
C Tarabout, S Roux, F Gobeaux, N Fay, E Pouget, C Meriadec, M Ligeti, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (19), 7679-7684, 2011
Self-association process of a peptide in solution: from β-sheet filaments to large embedded nanotubes
C Valery, F Artzner, B Robert, T Gulick, G Keller, C Grabielle-Madelmont, ...
Biophysical Journal 86 (4), 2484-2501, 2004
Toxicity and cellular uptake of lipid nanoparticles of different structure and composition
JB Strachan, BP Dyett, Z Nasa, C Valery, CE Conn
Journal of colloid and interface science 576, 241-251, 2020
Molecular origin of the self-assembly of lanreotide into nanotubes: a mutational approach
C Valéry, E Pouget, A Pandit, JM Verbavatz, L Bordes, I Boisdé, ...
Biophysical Journal 94 (5), 1782-1795, 2008
Functional organic semiconductors assembled via natural aggregating peptides
GL Eakins, R Pandey, JP Wojciechowski, HY Zheng, JEA Webb, C Valéry, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (35), 5640-5649, 2015
Spontaneous fibrillation of the native neuropeptide hormone Somatostatin-14
W Van Grondelle, CL Iglesias, E Coll, F Artzner, M Paternostre, ...
Journal of structural biology 160 (2), 211-223, 2007
Peroxiredoxin is a versatile self-assembling tecton for protein nanotechnology
AJ Phillips, J Littlejohn, NA Yewdall, T Zhu, C Valery, FG Pearce, AK Mitra, ...
Biomacromolecules 15 (5), 1871-1881, 2014
Atomic view of the histidine environment stabilizing higher-pH conformations of pH-dependent proteins
C Valéry, S Deville-Foillard, C Lefebvre, N Taberner, P Legrand, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7771, 2015
Structural role of counterions adsorbed on self-assembled peptide nanotubes
F Gobeaux, N Fay, C Tarabout, C Mériadec, F Meneau, M Ligeti, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (1), 723-733, 2012
Molecular interactions of amyloid nanofibrils with biological aggregation modifiers: implications for cytotoxicity mechanisms and biomaterial design
D Dharmadana, NP Reynolds, CE Conn, C Valéry
Interface Focus 7 (4), 20160160, 2017
Self‐assembly of the octapeptide lanreotide and lanreotide‐based derivatives: the role of the aromatic residues
A Pandit, N Fay, L Bordes, C Valéry, R Cherif‐Cheikh, B Robert, F Artzner, ...
Journal of Peptide Science: An Official Publication of the European Peptide …, 2008
Battacin-inspired ultrashort peptides: nanostructure analysis and antimicrobial activity
HD Glossop, GH De Zoysa, Y Hemar, P Cardoso, K Wang, J Lu, C Valéry, ...
Biomacromolecules 20 (7), 2515-2529, 2019
Protein β-interfaces as a generic source of native peptide tectons
C Valéry, R Pandey, JA Gerrard
Chemical Communications 49 (27), 2825-2827, 2013
Stability and cytotoxicity of crystallin amyloid nanofibrils
M Kaur, J Healy, M Vasudevamurthy, M Lassé, L Puskar, MJ Tobin, ...
Nanoscale 6 (21), 13169-13178, 2014
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Articles 1–20