Gone Rajender, Ph. D
Gone Rajender, Ph. D
IIT Guwahati
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Interfacial charge transfer in oxygen deficient TiO2-graphene quantum dot hybrid and its influence on the enhanced visible light photocatalysis
G Rajender, J Kumar, PK Giri
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 224, 960-972, 2018
Formation mechanism of graphene quantum dots and their edge state conversion probed by photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy
G Rajender, PK Giri
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (46), 10852-10865, 2016
Strain induced phase formation, microstructural evolution and bandgap narrowing in strained TiO2 nanocrystals grown by ball milling
G Rajender, PK Giri
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 676, 591-600, 2016
In situ decoration of plasmonic Au nanoparticles on graphene quantum dots-graphitic carbon nitride hybrid and evaluation of its visible light photocatalytic performance
G Rajender, B Choudhury, PK Giri
Nanotechnology 28 (39), 395703, 2017
Solvent dependent synthesis of edge-controlled graphene quantum dots with high photoluminescence quantum yield and their application in confocal imaging of cancer cells
G Rajender, U Goswami, PK Giri
Journal of colloid and interface science 541, 387-398, 2019
Catalyst free growth of ZnO nanowires on graphene and graphene oxide and its enhanced photoluminescence and photoresponse
RK Biroju, N Tilak, G Rajender, S Dhara, PK Giri
Nanotechnology 26 (14), 145601, 2015
Anomalous fluorescence enhancement and fluorescence quenching of graphene quantum dots by single walled carbon nanotubes
R Das, G Rajender, PK Giri
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (6), 4527-4537, 2018
On the origin and tunability of blue and green photoluminescence from chemically derived graphene: hydrogenation and oxygenation studies
RK Biroju, G Rajender, PK Giri
Carbon 95, 228-238, 2015
Defect-mediated time-efficient photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and ciprofloxacin using tungsten-incorporated ternary perovskite BaSnO3 nanoparticles
Y Jayavelu, G Maharana, G Rajender, R Muniramaiah, S Divyadharshini, ...
Chemosphere 351, 141128, 2024
Superior Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity from Graphehe Quantum Dot-TiO2 Nano Heterostructure for Environmental Applications
G Rajender, PK Giri
International Conference on Hierarchically Structured Materials (ICHSM-2022), 2022
Controlled synthesis and photo physical properties of graphene quantum dots and its heterostructures for visible light photocatalysis and bio imaging applications
G Rajender
Guwahati, 2018
Study of Fluorescence Enhancement and Fluorescence Quenching of Graphene Quantum Dots by Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Aqueous Medium
R Das, G Rajender, PK Giri
International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN …, 2017
Highly Fluorescent Graphene Quantum Dots and Its Hybrid Nanostructures for Bio-Imaging of Cancer Cells and Visible light Photocatalytic Applications
G Rajender, U Goswami, PK Giri
International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN …, 2017
Strain induced phase formation, microstructural evolution and bandgap reduction in strained TiO3 nanoCrystals grown by ball milling
G Rajender, PK Giri
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 30, 1-10, 2016
Effect of Functional Groups and Edge States On The Visible Photoluminescence From Graphene Quantum Dots
G Rajender, PK Giri
4th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology …, 2015
Control of Defects and Defect Mediated Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in Undoped TiO2 Nanoparticles Grown By Ball Milling Method
G Rajender, PK Giri
International Conference on Nanoscience and Engineering Applications …, 2014
One Step Solvothermal Synthesis of Graphene Quantum Dots: Structural and Optical Studies
G Rajender, RK Biroju, PK Giri
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Articles 1–17