Robert E. Robson
Robert E. Robson
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Kinetic theory of charged particle swarms in neutral gases
K Kumar, HR Skullerud, RE Robson
Australian Journal of Physics 33 (2), 343-448, 1980
Velocity distribution function and transport coefficients of electron swarms in gases. II. Moment equations and applications
KF Ness, RE Robson
Physical Review A 34 (3), 2185, 1986
Colloquium: Physically based fluid modeling of collisionally dominated low-temperature plasmas
RE Robson, RD White, ZL Petrović
Reviews of modern physics 77 (4), 1303-1320, 2005
Moment theory of electron drift and diffusion in neutral gases in an electrostatic field
SL Lin, RE Robson, EA Mason
The Journal of Chemical Physics 71 (8), 3483-3498, 1979
Velocity distribution function and transport coefficients of electron swarms in gases: spherical-harmonics decomposition of Boltzmann’s equation
RE Robson, KF Ness
Physical Review A 33 (3), 2068, 1986
Is the classical two-term approximation of electron kinetic theory satisfactory for swarms and plasmas?
RD White, RE Robson, B Schmidt, MA Morrison
Journal of Physics D: applied physics 36 (24), 3125, 2003
Recent advances in the application of Boltzmann equation and fluid equation methods to charged particle transport in non-equilibrium plasmas
RD White, RE Robson, S Dujko, P Nicoletopoulos, B Li
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (19), 194001, 2009
Transport phenomena in the presence of reactions: definition and measurement of transport coefficients
RE Robson
Australian journal of physics 44 (6), 685-692, 1991
Generalized Einstein relation and negative differential conductivity in gases
RE Robson
Australian journal of physics 37 (1), 35-44, 1984
Development of swarm transport theory in radio-frequency electric and crossed electric and magnetic fields
RD White, KF Ness, RE Robson
Applied surface science 192 (1-4), 26-49, 2002
Benchmark calculations of nonconservative charged-particle swarms in dc electric and magnetic fields crossed at arbitrary angles
S Dujko, RD White, ZL Petrović, RE Robson
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (4 …, 2010
Physics of reacting particle swarms in gases
RE Robson
The Journal of chemical physics 85 (8), 4486-4501, 1986
A thermodynamic treatment of anisotropic diffusion in an electric field
RE Robson
Australian Journal of Physics 25 (6), 685-694, 1972
Transport properties of electrons in water vapor
KF Ness, RE Robson
Physical Review A 38 (3), 1446, 1988
Charged-particle transport in gases in electric and magnetic fields crossed at arbitrary angles: Multiterm solution of Boltzmann’s equation
RD White, KF Ness, RE Robson, B Li
Physical Review E 60 (2), 2231, 1999
Introductory transport theory for charged particles in gases
RE Robson
World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006
The mobility of potassium ions in gas mixtures
HB Milloy, RE Robson
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 6 (6), 1139, 1973
Mobility and diffusion. I. Boltzmann equation treatment for charged particles in a neutral gas
K Kumar, RE Robson
Australian Journal of Physics 26 (2), 157-186, 1973
Low-energy electron and positron transport in gases and soft-condensed systems of biological relevance
RD White, W Tattersall, G Boyle, RE Robson, S Dujko, ZL Petrovic, ...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 83, 77-85, 2014
Spatially periodic structures in electron swarms and the Franck-Hertz experiment
RE Robson, B Li, RD White
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 33 (3), 507, 2000
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