Peter Dadam
Peter Dadam
Professor of Computer Science (retired), Ulm University
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Cited by
Adeptflex—Supporting Dynamic Changes of Workflows Without Losing Control
M Reichert, P Dadam
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 10, 93-129, 1998
Correctness criteria for dynamic changes in workflow systems––a survey
S Rinderle, M Reichert, P Dadam
Data & Knowledge Engineering 50 (1), 9-34, 2004
A DBMS prototype to support extended NF2 relations: An integrated view on flat tables and hierarchies
P Dadam, K Küspert, F Andersen, H Blanken, R Erbe
ACM SIGMOD Record 15 (2), 356-367, 1986
The ADEPT project: a decade of research and development for robust and flexible process support: Challenges and Achievements
P Dadam, M Reichert
Computer Science-Research and Development 23, 81-97, 2009
Clinical workflows—the killer application for process-oriented information systems?
P Dadam, M Reichert, K Kuhn
BIS 2000: 4th International Conference on Business Information Systems …, 2000
Flexible support of team processes by adaptive workflow systems
S Rinderle, M Reichert, P Dadam
Distributed and Parallel Databases 16, 91-116, 2004
Adaptive process management with ADEPT2
M Reichert, S Rinderle, U Kreher, P Dadam
21st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'05), 1113-1114, 2005
Integration and verification of semantic constraints in adaptive process management systems
LT Ly, S Rinderle, P Dadam
Data & Knowledge Engineering 64 (1), 3-23, 2008
Adept workflow management system flexible support for enterprise-wide business processes-tool presentation
M Reichert, S Rinderle, P Dadam
Springer, 2003
Designing DBMS support for the temporal dimension
V Lum, P Dadam, R Erbe, J Günauer, P Pistor, G Walch, H Werner, ...
ACM Sigmod Record 14 (2), 115-130, 1984
On enabling integrated process compliance with semantic constraints in process management systems: Requirements, challenges, solutions
LT Ly, S Rinderle-Ma, K Göser, P Dadam
Information Systems Frontiers 14 (2), 195-219, 2012
Verteilte Datenbanken und Client/Server-Systeme: Grundlagen, Konzepte und Realisierungsformen
P Dadam
Springer-Verlag, 2013
Flexibility in process-aware information systems
M Reichert, S Rinderle-Ma, P Dadam
Transactions on petri nets and other models of concurrency II: Special issue …, 2009
Integration of time versions into a relational database system.
P Dadam, VY Lum, HD Werner
VLDB 84 (468), 509-522, 1984
On enabling data-aware compliance checking of business process models
D Knuplesch, LT Ly, S Rinderle-Ma, H Pfeifer, P Dadam
Conceptual Modeling–ER 2010: 29th International Conference on Conceptual …, 2010
A framework for dynamic changes in workflow management systems
M Reichert, P Dadam
Database and Expert Systems Applications. 8th International Conference, DEXA …, 1997
Monitoring business process compliance using compliance rule graphs
LT Ly, S Rinderle-Ma, D Knuplesch, P Dadam
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2011: Confederated …, 2011
Mining staff assignment rules from event-based data
LT Ly, S Rinderle, P Dadam, M Reichert
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2005 International Workshops, BPI …, 2006
Dynamische ablaufänderungen in workflow-management-systemen
M Reichert
Uni Ulm, 2000
Design and Implementation of an Extensible Database Management System Supporting User Defined Data Types and Functions.
V Linnemann, K Küspert, P Dadam, P Pistor, R Erbe, A Kemper, ...
VLDB, 294-305, 1988
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Articles 1–20