David Anchundia
David Anchundia
Charles Darwin Foundation
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Cited by
Conservation status of landbirds on Floreana: the smallest inhabited Galápagos Island
M Dvorak, E Nemeth, B Wendelin, P Herrera, D Mosquera, D Anchundia, ...
Journal of Field Ornithology 88 (2), 132-145, 2017
Chronic lack of breeding by Galápagos Blue-footed Boobies and associated population decline.
D Anchundia, KP Huyvaert, DJ Anderson
Avian Conservation & Ecology 9 (1), 2014
Galapagos landbirds (passerines, cuckoos, and doves): Status, threats, and knowledge gaps
B Fessl, D Anchundia, J Carrión, A Cimadom, J Cotin, F Cunninghame, ...
Galapagos report 2016, 149-160, 2015
The conservation status of the Galapagos Martin Progne modesta: Assessment of historical records and results of recent surveys
D Anchundia, B Fessl
Bird Conservation International 31 (1), 129-138, 2021
Observations on the nesting of the Galapagos dove Zenaida galapagoensis in Galapagos, Ecuador
A Coloma, D Anchundia, P Piedrahita, C Pike, B Fessl
Galapagos Res 69, 34-38, 2020
Survival and extinction of breeding landbirds on San Cristóbal, a highly degraded island in the Galápagos
M Dvorak, B Fessl, E Nemeth, D Anchundia, J Cotin, CH Schulze, ...
Bird Conservation International 30 (3), 381-395, 2020
Field guide. Resident land birds of Galapagos
S Kleindorfer, B Fessl, K Peters, D Anchundia
Charles Darwin Foundation, 2019
Endemic species predation by the introduced smooth-billed ani in Galápagos
SC Cooke, D Anchundia, E Caton, LE Haskell, H Jäger, Y Kalki, Ó Mollá, ...
Biological Invasions 22, 2113-2120, 2020
Effect of an introduced parasite in natural and anthropogenic habitats on the breeding success of the endemic little vermilion flycatcher Pyrocephalus nanus in the …
C Leuba, S Tebbich, E Nemeth, D Anchundia, E Heyer, DA Mosquera, ...
Journal of Avian Biology 51 (8), 2020
Behavior of the Avian Parasite Philornis downsi (Diptera: Muscidae) in and Near Host Nests in the Galapagos Islands
CL Pike, IE Ramirez, DJ Anchundia, B Fessl, GE Heimpel, CE Causton
Journal of Insect Behavior 34 (5), 296-311, 2021
Overland flight by seabirds at Isla Isabela, Galápagos
DJ Anchundia, JF Anderson, DJ Anderson
Marine Ornithology 45, 139-141, 2017
The invasive parasitic fly Philornis downsi is threatening Little Vermilion Flycatchers on the Galápagos Islands.
D Mosquera, B Fessl, D Anchundia, E Heyer, C Leuba, E Nemeth, ...
Avian Conservation & Ecology 17 (1), 2022
Guía de campo. Aves terrestres residentes de Galápagos
S Kleindorfer, B Fessl, K Peters, D Anchundia
Fundación Charles Darwin, 2019
Habitat restoration to conserve the Little Vermilion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus nanus on Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos
DJ Anchundia, R Green, CL Pike, G Gutiérrez, P Pibaque, R Chango, ...
Bird conservation international 34, e14, 2024
Evaluación de la factibilidad de usar el inhibidor de crecimiento de insectos, cyromazina, para tratar nidos con las técnicas de autofumigación o rociador
C Causton, F Mendes, I Teschke, T Tores, K Wascher, C Poveda, ...
Charles Darwin Foundation, 2020
Information on forage fish ages from otoliths collected in avian stomach contents
JRM Jarrin, D Anchundia, MA Schuiteman, DJ Anderson
Latin american journal of aquatic research 50 (3), 461-466, 2022
Chronic lack of breeding by Galapagos blue-footed boobies and associated population decline
DJ Anderson, KP Huyvaert, D Anchundia
Galapagos Report 2014, 2013
Population size of Blue-footed Boobies in Galápagos: evaluation of indications of population decline
D Anchundia
Wake Forest University, 2013
Falta crónica de reproducción de los piqueros de patas azules de Galápagos y disminución asociada de su población
D Anderson, K Huyvaert, D Anchundia
Informe Galápagos 2014, 159-164, 2013
Genome Assembly of Pyrocephalus nanus: A Step Toward the Genetic Conservation of the Endangered Little Vermilion Flycatcher of the Galapagos Islands
DJ Anchundia, AW Lam, JB Henderson, MH Van Dam, JP Dumbacher
Genome Biology and Evolution 16 (5), evae083, 2024
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Articles 1–20