Ardavan Ghorbani
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Cited by
Improved digital soil mapping with multitemporal remotely sensed satellite data fusion: A case study in Iran
S Fathololoumi, AR Vaezi, SK Alavipanah, A Ghorbani, D Saurette, ...
Science of The Total Environment 721, 137703, 2020
Effects of silica and silver nanoparticles on seed germination traits of Thymus kotschyanus in laboratory conditions
M Abbasi Khalaki, A Ghorbani, M Moameri
Journal of Rangeland Science 6 (3), 221-231, 2016
Utility of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for land/canopy cover mapping in Khalkhal County (Iran)
A Ghorbani, AM Mossivand, AE Ouri
Annals of Biological Research 3 (12), 5494-5503, 2012
Comprehensive comparison of daily IMERG and GSMaP satellite precipitation products in Ardabil Province, Iran
F Aslami, A Ghorbani, B Sobhani, A Esmali
International Journal of Remote Sensing 40 (8), 3139-3153, 2019
Investigation on ecological characteristics of Festuca ovina L. in south-eastern rangelands of Sabalan.
A Ghorbani, J Sharifi, AH Kavianpoor, B Malekpour, FMA Gheshlagh
Iranian Journal of Rangeland and Desert Research 20 (2), 379-396, 2013
Comparison of spectral and spatial-based approaches for mapping the local variation of soil moisture in a semi-arid mountainous area
S Fathololoumi, AR Vaezi, SK Alavipanah, A Ghorbani, A Biswas
Science of the Total Environment 724, 138319, 2020
Composition and structure of species along altitude gradient in Moghan-Sabalan rangelands, Iran
S Ghafari, A Ghorbani, M Moameri, R Mostafazadeh, M Bidarlord
Journal of Mountain Science 15 (6), 1209-1228, 2018
Land use mapping using visual vs. digital image interpretation of TM and Google earth derived imagery in Shrivan-Darasi watershed (Northwest of Iran)
A Ghorbani, M Pakravan
European Journal of Experimental Biology 3 (1), 576-582, 2013
Influence of nano-priming on Festuca ovina seed germination and early seedling traits under drought stress, in laboratory condition
M Abbasi Khalaki, A Ghorbani, F Dadjou
Ecopersia 7 (3), 133-139, 2019
Object-based land-use/land-cover change detection using Landsat imagery: a case study of Ardabil, Namin, and Nir counties in northwest Iran
F Aslami, A Ghorbani
Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-14, 2018
Effect of multi-temporal satellite images on soil moisture prediction using a digital soil mapping approach
S Fathololoumi, AR Vaezi, SK Alavipanah, A Ghorbani, D Saurette, ...
Geoderma 385, 114901, 2021
Rangeland canopy cover estimation using Landsat OLI data and vegetation indices in Sabalan rangelands, Iran
Z Abdolalizadeh, A Ghorbani, R Mostafazadeh, M Moameri
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13, 1-13, 2020
Adoption and non-adoption of sprinkler irrigation technology in Ardabil Province of Iran
A Bagheri, A Ghorbani
African Journal of Agricultural Research 6 (5), 1085-1089, 2011
Long-term effects of crop rotation and fertilizers on weed community in spring barley
HRM CHAMANABAD, A Ghorbani, A Asghari, AM Tulikov, F Zargarzadeh
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 33 (4), 315-323, 2009
Study on the flora, life forms and chorology of the south eastern of Namin forests (Asi-Gheran, Fandoghloo, Hasani and Bobini), Ardabil province
A Teimourzadeh, A Ghorbani, AH Kavianpour
Journal of Plant Research (Iranian Journal of Biology) 28 (2), 265-275, 2015
Halophyte species distribution modeling with MaxEnt model in the surrounding rangelands of Meighan playa, Iran
H Bagheri, A Ghorbani, MA Zare Chahouki, AA Jafari, K Sefidi
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 15 (3), 1473-1484, 2017
MaxEnt Modeling for Predicting Impacts of Environmental Factors on the Potential Distribution of Artemisia aucheri and Bromus tomentellus-Festuca ovina in Iran.
J Esfanjani, A Ghorbani, MAZ Chahouki
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 27 (3), 2018
Effects of temperature and rainfall on the aboveground net primary production of Hir and Neur rangelands in Ardabil province.
F Dadjou, A Ghorbani, M Moameri, MB Lord
Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research 25 (3), 2018
The investigation of some factor affecting on distributions of Ferula gummosa and Ferula ovina in the mountainous range of Shilander Zanjan
F Aghajanloo, A Ghorbani
Journal of Rangeland 9 (4), 407-416, 2016
Estimating Aboveground Net Primary Production (ANPP) Using Landsat 8-Based Indices: A Case Study from Hir-Neur Rangelands, Iran
A Ghorbani, F Dadjou, M Moameri, A Biswas
Rangeland Ecology & Management 73 (5), 649-657, 2020
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Articles 1–20