Helle Larsen
Helle Larsen
Associate Professor, Developmental Psychology, University of Amsterdam
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An experimental study on imitation of alcohol consumption in same-sex dyads
H Larsen, RCME Engels, I Granic, G Overbeek
Alcohol & Alcoholism 44 (3), 250-255, 2009
Peer influence in a micro-perspective: Imitation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
H Larsen, RCME Engels, PM Souren, I Granic, G Overbeek
Addictive Behaviors 35 (1), 49-52, 2010
A variable-number-of-tandem-repeats polymorphism in the dopamine D4 receptor gene affects social adaptation of alcohol use: investigation of a gene-environment interaction
H Larsen, CS van der Zwaluw, G Overbeek, I Granic, B Franke, ...
Psychological Science 21 (8), 1064-1068, 2010
Validation of the Amsterdam Beverage Picture Set: A controlled picture set for cognitive bias measurement and modification paradigms.
T Pronk, DS van Deursen, E Beraha, H Larsen, RW Wiers
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 39, 2047-2055, 2015
Implicit and explicit alcohol cognitions and observed alcohol consumption: three studies in (semi) naturalistic drinking settings
H Larsen, RCME Engels, RW Wiers, I Granic, R Spijkerman
Addiction 107 (8), 1420-1428, 2012
Friendship quality as a moderator between perception of interparental conflicts and maladjustment in adolescence
H Larsen, SJT Branje, I van der Valk, WHJ Meeus
International Journal of Behavioral Development 31 (6), 549-558, 2007
Re-training automatic action tendencies to approach cigarettes among adolescent smokers: A pilot study
H Larsen, G Kong, DA Cavallo, D Becker, J Cousijn, E Salemink, ...
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 41, 425-432, 2015
For better or for worse? A pre‐post exploration of the impact of the COVID‐19 lockdown on cannabis users
J Cousijn, L Kuhns, H Larsen, E Kroon
Addiction, 2021
Choose change: Situation modification, distraction, and reappraisal in mild versus intense negative situations
B Van Bockstaele, L Atticciati, AP Hiekkaranta, H Larsen, B Verschuere
Motivation and Emotion 44 (4), 583-596, 2020
The strong effect of other people's drinking: Two experimental observational studies in a real bar
H Larsen, G Overbeek, I Granic, RCME Engels
The American Journal on Addictions 21 (2), 168-175, 2012
Who benefits from taxation of forest products in Nepal's community forests?
JF Lund, K Baral, NS Bhandari, BBK Chhetri, HO Larsen, ØJ Nielsen, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 38, 119-125, 2014
Socio-economic determinants of growing trees on farms in the middle hills of Nepal
BN Oli, T Treue, HO Larsen
Agroforestry Systems 89, 765-777, 2015
Students’ drinker prototypes and alcohol use in a naturalistic setting
R Spijkerman, H Larsen, FX Gibbons, RCME Engels
Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research 34 (1), 64-71, 2010
Implicit motivational processes underlying smoking in American and Dutch adolescents
H Larsen, G Kong, D Becker, J Cousijn, W Boendermaker, D Cavallo, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 5, 51, 2014
Longitudinal associations between descriptive and injunctive norms of youngsters and heavy drinking and problem drinking in late adolescence
CV Voogt, H Larsen, EAP Poelen, M Kleinjan, RCME Engels
Journal of Substance Use 18 (4), 275-287, 2013
Development and socialization of self-regulation from infancy to adolescence: A meta-review differentiating between self-regulatory abilities, goals, and motivation
C Wesarg-Menzel, R Ebbes, M Hensums, E Wagemaker, MS Zaharieva, ...
Developmental Review 69, 101090, 2023
Longitudinal relations between cognitive bias and adolescent alcohol use
T Janssen, H Larsen, WAM Vollebergh, RW Wiers
Addictive behaviors 44, 51-57, 2015
Imitation of alcohol consumption in same-sex and other-sex dyads
H Larsen, G Overbeek, I Granic, RCME Engels
Alcohol and Alcoholism 45 (6), 557-562, 2010
Best friends and alcohol use in adolescence: the role of the dopamine D4 receptor gene
CS van der Zwaluw, H Larsen, RCME Engels
Addiction Biology 17 (6), 1036-1045, 2012
Initiation and continuation of best friends and adolescents’ alcohol consumption: Do self-esteem and self-control function as moderators?
H Larsen, G Overbeek, AA Vermulst, I Granic, RCME Engels
International Journal of Behavioral Development 34 (5), 406-416, 2010
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Articles 1–20