Boris I. Godoy
Boris I. Godoy
Researcher, Lund University, Sweden
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On identification of FIR systems having quantized output data
BI Godoy, GC Goodwin, JC Agüero, D Marelli, T Wigren
Automatica 47 (9), 1905-1915, 2011
EM-Based Maximum Likelihood Channel Estimation in Multicarrier Systems with Phase Distortion
R Carvajal, JC Aguero, BI Godoy, GC Goodwin
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 62 (1), 152-160, 2013
Identification of sparse FIR systems using a general quantisation scheme
BI Godoy, JC Agüero, R Carvajal, GC Goodwin, JI Yuz
International Journal of Control 87 (4), 874-886, 2014
Determination of maternal pedigree and ewe–lamb spatial relationships by application of Bluetooth technology in extensive farming systems
R Sohi, J Trompf, H Marriott, A Bervan, BI Godoy, M Weerasinghe, ...
Journal of Animal Science 95 (11), 5145-5150, 2017
Truncated Hawkes point process modeling: System theory and system identification
BI Godoy, V Solo, SA Pasha
Automatica 56, 2020
An EM-based Identification Algorithm for a Class of Hybrid Systems with Application to Power Electronics
RP Aguilera, BI Godoy, JC Aguero, GC Goodwin, JI Yuz
International Journal of Control, 2014
Determination of ewe behaviour around lambing time and prediction of parturition 7 days prior to lambing by tri-axial accelerometer sensors in an extensive farming system
R Sohi, F Almasi, H Nguyen, A Carroll, J Trompf, M Weerasinghe, ...
Animal Production Science 62 (17), 1729-1738, 2022
A novel input design approach for systems with quantized output data
BI Godoy, P Valenzuela, CR Rojas, JC Aguero, B Ninness
13th European Control Conference (ECC), 2014
A Two-Filter Approach for State Estimation utilizing Quantized output Data
AL Cedeño, R Albornoz, R Carvajal, BI Godoy, JC Aguero
Sensors, 2021
On filtering methods for state-space systems having binary output measurements
AL Cedeño, R Albornoz, R Carvajal, BI Godoy, JC Agüero
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (7), 815-820, 2021
EM-based sparse channel estimation in OFDM systems
R Carvajal, BI Godoy, JC Agüero, GC Goodwin
2012 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in …, 2012
A scenario-based approach to parameter estimation in state-space models having quantized output data
DE Marelli, BI Godoy, GC Goodwin
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2011-2016, 2010
A simulation study on model predictive control and extremum seeking control for heap bioleaching processes
BI Godoy, JH Braslavsky, JC Agüero
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 9368-9373, 2008
Identification of continuous-time transfer function models from non-uniformly sample data in presence of colored noise
F Chen, H Garnier, M Gilson, JC Aguero, BI Godoy
IFAC World Congress, 2014
Scenario-based EM identification for FIR systems having quantized output data
JC Agüero, BI Godoy, GC Goodwin, T Wigren
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (10), 66-71, 2009
On Filtering and Smoothing Algorithms for Linear State-Space Models Having Quantized Output Data
AL Cedeño, RA González, BI Godoy, R Carvajal, JC Agüero
Mathematics 11 (6), 1327, 2023
An estimation algorithm for general linear single particle tracking models with time-varying parameters
BI Godoy, NA Vickers, SB Andersson
Molecules 26 (4), 886, 2021
Local likelihood estimation of time-variant hawkes models
BI Godoy, V Solo, J Min, SA Pasha
2016 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2016
Estimation of general time-varying single particle tracking linear models using local likelihood
BI Godoy, NA Vickers, Y Lin, SB Andersson
European Control Conference, 2020
A map approach for ℓq-norm regularized sparse parameter estimation using the EM algorithm
R Carvajal, JC Agüero, BI Godoy, D Katselis
2015 IEEE 25th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal …, 2015
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Articles 1–20