Pauletta Irwin
Cited by
Cited by
Australian health professions student use of social media
K Usher, C Woods, E Casella, N Glass, R Wilson, L Mayner, D Jackson, ...
Collegian 21 (2), 95-101, 2014
A systematic review of the experience of using Second Life in the education of undergraduate nurses
P Irwin, R Coutts
Journal of Nursing Education 54 (10), 572-577, 2015
What is ChatGPT and what do we do with it? Implications of the age of AI for nursing and midwifery practice and education: An editorial
P Irwin, D Jones, S Fealy
Nurse education today 127, 105835, 2023
A whole-of-curriculum approach to improving nursing students' applied numeracy skills
TF Van de Mortel, LP Whitehair, PM Irwin
Nurse Education Today 34 (3), 462-467, 2014
A cross-sectional study of domestic violence instruction in nursing and midwifery programs: Out of step with community and student expectations
M Hutchinson, F Doran, J Brown, T Douglas, L East, P Irwin, L Mainey, ...
Nurse Education Today 84, 104209, 2020
Australian nursing and midwifery student beliefs and attitudes about domestic violence: A multi-site, cross-sectional study
F Doran, M Hutchinson, J Brown, L East, P Irwin, L Mainey, C Mather, ...
Nurse education in practice 40, 102613, 2019
Adding telehealth simulation into NP programs
M Robinson-Reilly, P Irwin, R Coutts, N Slattery
The Nurse Practitioner 45 (3), 44-49, 2020
Looking good sister! The use of a virtual world to develop nursing skills
P Irwin, R Coutts, I Graham
Intersections in Simulation and Gaming: Disruption and Balance: Third …, 2019
Enhancing nursing simulation education: a case for extended reality innovation
S Fealy, P Irwin, Z Tacgin, ZS See, D Jones
Virtual Worlds 2 (3), 218-230, 2023
Virtual WIL: A Collaborative approach to Work Integrated Learning using a virtual world
P Irwin, A Ellis, I Graham
2012 Australian Collaborative Education Network National Conference 131, 2012
The undergraduate simulation framework: standardising design and delivery
PM Irwin, RA Brown, S Butler
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 11 (2), 576-586, 2021
Promoting patient safety using electronic medical records in nursing/midwifery undergraduate curricula: discussion paper
L Mollart, P Irwin, D Noble, L Kinsman
Nurse Education in Practice 70, 103653, 2023
The use of avatars: Challenging longstanding approaches for experiential learning in nursing
P Irwin, M Crepinsek, R Coutts
Interactive Learning Environments 32 (3), 1048-1057, 2024
Learning alone together: A qualitative investigation exploring virtual connectedness
P Irwin, R Coutts
International Journal on Innovations in Online Education 4 (4), 2020
Learning through reflection. SPROUT: A schema to teach reflective practice
P Irwin, R Coutts
Learning 8 (36), 2017
Me, Us and IT: Insiders views of the complex technical, organisational and personal elements in using virtual worlds in education
S Gregory, B Gregory, D Wood, S Grant, S Nikolic, M Hillier, M Hearns, ...
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and …, 2017
Nursing students’ perspectives on being work-ready with electronic medical records: Intersections of rurality and health workforce capacity
P Irwin, M Hanson, S McDonald, D Noble, L Mollart
Nurse Education in Practice 77, 103948, 2024
Flexible delivery: On-line versus bottom-line
PJ Warelow, S Wells, P Irwin
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, The 29 (1), 55-62, 2011
Exploring Parkinson's disease prevalence in regional, rural and remote Australia: A systematic scoping review
S Fealy, PA Logan, PS Micalos, R Rossiter, D Jones, P Irwin, D Schwebel, ...
Australian Journal of Rural Health 31 (6), 1156-1167, 2023
The integration and application of extended reality (XR) technologies within the general practice primary medical care setting: a systematic review
D Jones, R Galvez, D Evans, M Hazelton, R Rossiter, P Irwin, PS Micalos, ...
Virtual Worlds 2 (4), 359-373, 2023
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Articles 1–20