Eva Knekta
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Cited by
One size doesn’t fit all: Using factor analysis to gather validity evidence when using surveys in your research
E Knekta, C Runyon, S Eddy
CBE—Life Sciences Education 18 (1), rm1, 2019
Evaluation of a questionnaire measuring university students’ sense of belonging to and involvement in a biology department
E Knekta, K Chatzikyriakidou, M McCartney
CBE—Life sciences education 19 (3), ar27, 2020
Modeling the test-taking motivation construct through investigation of psychometric properties of an expectancy-value-based questionnaire
E Knekta, H Eklöf
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 33 (7), 662-673, 2015
What can departments do to increase students’ retention? A case study of students’ sense of belonging and involvement in a biology department
E Knekta, M McCartney
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 22 (4 …, 2021
Are all pupils equally motivated to do their best on all tests? Differences in reported test-taking motivation within and between tests with different stakes
E Knekta
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 61 (1), 95-111, 2017
Defining and measuring students’ interest in biology: An analysis of the biology education literature
AA Rowland, E Knekta, S Eddy, LA Corwin
CBE—Life Sciences Education 18 (3), ar34, 2019
Measuring university students’ interest in biology: Evaluation of an instrument targeting Hidi and Renninger’s individual interest
E Knekta, AA Rowland, LA Corwin, S Eddy
International Journal of STEM Education 7, 1-16, 2020
Using large-scale educational data to test motivation theories: A synthesis of findings from Swedish studies on test-taking motivation
H Eklöf, E Knekta
International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education 4 (1-2), 52-71, 2017
An overview of OSPAR priority compounds and selection of a representative training set
E Knekta, PL Andersson, M Johansson, M Tysklind
Chemosphere 57 (10), 1495-1503, 2004
“A Little Less Conversation, a Little More Action Please”: Examining Students’ Voices on Education, Transgression, and Societal Change
A Manni, E Knekta
Sustainability 12 (15), 6231, 2020
‘It was, perhaps, the most important one’students’ perceptions of national tests in terms of test-taking motivation
E Knekta, A Sundström
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 26 (2), 202-221, 2019
Motivational aspects of test-taking: measuring test-taking motivation in Swedish national test contexts
E Knekta
Umeå universitet, 2017
Different stakes, different motivation? Swedish studies of test-taking motivation in different assessment contexts
H Eklöf, E Knekta
DL Sundre (Chair), The impact of test-taking motivation and test …, 2014
Fritidshemmet-en förbisedd potential i arbetet med lärande för hållbar utveckling?: School-Age Educare-a neglected potential in education for sustainable development?
A Manni, E Knekta
Nordic Studies in Science Education 18 (1), 63-81, 2022
The purpose of science education: Guidance provided by Swedish Science Syllabuses
E Knekta, P Almarlind, C Ottander
NorDiNa: Nordic Studies in Science Education 18 (1), 39-62, 2022
Hur nyttja data från produktregistret för identifiering av kandidater till monitoringprogrammet
E Knekta, S Fischer
Svenska Naturvårdsveket, Kontrakt, 0212, 2003
Hur nyttja data från produktregistret för identifiering av kandidater till monitoringprogrammet: En förstudie
E Knekta, S Fischer
Kemikalieinspektionen; Umeå universitet, 2003
What Happens When Undergraduate Biology Students Meet with Professional Scientists to Discuss Research? An Exploratory Investigation into Scientific Discourse, Motivation, and …
A Machrone, M Duenas, A Acosta, R Alvarez, H Bruce-Opris, ...
CBE—Life Sciences Education 24 (1), ar6, 2025
Stability and change in associations between social responsibility goals, achievement, and psychosomatic problems
A Hofverberg, H Eklöf, E Knekta
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1-17, 2024
Critical Events in the Systematic Work at an Organizational Level Towards a Whole School Approach to Sustainability in a Swedish Municipality
A Manni, E Knekta, E Åberg
Whole School Approaches to Sustainability: Education Renewal in Times of …, 2024
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