Lauren J Gregoire
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Cited by
Deglacial rapid sea level rises caused by ice-sheet saddle collapses
LJ Gregoire, AJ Payne, PJ Valdes
Nature 487 (7406), 219-222, 2012
The PMIP4-CMIP6 Last Glacial Maximum experiments: preliminary results and comparison with the PMIP3-CMIP5 simulations
M Kageyama, SP Harrison, ML Kapsch, M Löfverström, JM Lora, ...
Climate of the Past Discussions 2020, 1-37, 2020
The 8.2 ka cooling event caused by Laurentide ice saddle collapse
ISO Matero, LJ Gregoire, RF Ivanovic, JC Tindall, AM Haywood
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 473, 205-214, 2017
Monsoon response to changes in Earth's orbital parameters: comparisons between simulations of the Eemian and of the Holocene
P Braconnot, C Marzin, L Grégoire, E Mosquet, O Marti
Climate of the Past 4 (4), 281-294, 2008
Coherent deglacial changes in western Atlantic Ocean circulation
HC Ng, LF Robinson, JF McManus, KJ Mohamed, AW Jacobel, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2947, 2018
Global peatland initiation driven by regionally asynchronous warming
PJ Morris, GT Swindles, PJ Valdes, RF Ivanovic, LJ Gregoire, MW Smith, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (19), 4851-4856, 2018
Transient climate simulations of the deglaciation 21–9 thousand years before present (version 1)–PMIP4 Core experiment design and boundary conditions
RF Ivanovic, LJ Gregoire, M Kageyama, DM Roche, PJ Valdes, A Burke, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (7), 2563-2587, 2016
The Early Eocene equable climate problem: can perturbations of climate model parameters identify possible solutions?
N Sagoo, P Valdes, R Flecker, LJ Gregoire
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2013
Abrupt Bølling warming and ice saddle collapse contributions to the Meltwater Pulse 1a rapid sea level rise
LJ Gregoire, B Otto‐Bliesner, PJ Valdes, R Ivanovic
Geophysical research letters 43 (17), 9130-9137, 2016
Ocean mixing and ice-sheet control of seawater 234U/238U during the last deglaciation
T Chen, LF Robinson, MP Beasley, LM Claxton, MB Andersen, ...
Science 354 (6312), 626-629, 2016
Transient climate simulations of the deglaciation 21–9 thousand years before present; PMIP4 Core experiment design and boundary conditions
RF Ivanovic, LG Gregoire, M Kageyama, DM Roche, PJ Valdes, A Burke, ...
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 8, 9045-9102, 2015
Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction
CD Clark, JC Ely, RCA Hindmarsh, S Bradley, A Ignéczi, D Fabel, ...
Boreas 51 (4), 699-758, 2022
Collapse of the North American ice saddle 14,500 years ago caused widespread cooling and reduced ocean overturning circulation
RF Ivanovic, LJ Gregoire, AD Wickert, PJ Valdes, A Burke
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (1), 383-392, 2017
Sensitivity of modern climate to the presence, strength and salinity of Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange in a global general circulation model
RF Ivanovic, PJ Valdes, L Gregoire, R Flecker, M Gutjahr
Climate dynamics 42, 859-877, 2014
Global continental and marine detrital εNd: An updated compilation for use in understanding marine Nd cycling
S Robinson, R Ivanovic, T van de Flierdt, CL Blanchet, K Tachikawa, ...
Chemical Geology 567, 120119, 2021
The relative contribution of orbital forcing and greenhouse gases to the North American deglaciation
LJ Gregoire, PJ Valdes, AJ Payne
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (22), 9970-9979, 2015
Optimal tuning of a GCM using modern and glacial constraints
LJ Gregoire, PJ Valdes, AJ Payne, R Kahana
Climate dynamics 37, 705-719, 2011
Investigating the 8.2 ka event in northwestern Madagascar: Insight from data–model comparisons
NRG Voarintsoa, ISO Matero, LB Railsback, LJ Gregoire, J Tindall, L Sime, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 204, 172-186, 2019
Recent progress on combining geomorphological and geochronological data with ice sheet modelling, demonstrated using the last British–Irish Ice Sheet
JC Ely, CD Clark, RCA Hindmarsh, ALC Hughes, SL Greenwood, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 36 (5), 946-960, 2021
Exploring the ingredients required to successfully model the placement, generation, and evolution of ice streams in the British-Irish Ice Sheet
N Gandy, LJ Gregoire, JC Ely, SL Cornford, CD Clark, DM Hodgson
Quaternary Science Reviews 223, 105915, 2019
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Articles 1–20