Sandra Grace
Sandra Grace
Professor, School of Health and Human Sciences, Southern Cross University
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Cited by
Writing qualitative research on practice
J Higgs, D Horsfall, S Grace
BRILL, 2009
Exploring healthcare professionals’ understanding and experiences of artificial intelligence technology use in the delivery of healthcare: An integrative review
L Shinners, C Aggar, S Grace, S Smith
Health informatics journal 26 (2), 1225-1236, 2020
Integrative medicine: enhancing quality in primary health care
S Grace, J Higgs
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 16 (9), 945-950, 2010
Contested professional role boundaries in health care: a systematic review of the literature
O King, SA Nancarrow, AM Borthwick, S Grace
Journal of foot and ankle research 8 (1), 2, 2015
Developing professionalism in physiotherapy and dietetics students in professional entry courses
S Grace, F Trede
Studies in Higher Education 38 (6), 793-806, 2013
Implementing large-scale workforce change: learning from 55 pilot sites of allied health workforce redesign in Queensland, Australia
SA Nancarrow, A Roots, S Grace, AM Moran, K Vanniekerk-Lyons
Human resources for health 11, 1-14, 2013
Models of interprofessional education for healthcare students: a scoping review
S Grace
Journal of interprofessional care 35 (5), 771-783, 2021
Ethical experiential learning in medical, nursing and allied health education: A narrative review
S Grace, E Innes, N Patton, L Stockhausen
Nurse education today 51, 23-33, 2017
Understanding clinical reasoning in osteopathy: a qualitative research approach
S Grace, P Orrock, B Vaughan, R Blaich, R Coutts
Chiropractic & manual therapies 24, 1-10, 2016
Curriculum restructuring in South African higher education: academic identities and policy implementation
R Moore
Studies in Higher Education 28 (3), 303-319, 2003
Exploring healthcare professionals’ perceptions of artificial intelligence: Validating a questionnaire using the e-Delphi method
L Shinners, C Aggar, S Grace, S Smith
Digital Health 7, 20552076211003433, 2021
The impact of pesticides on local waterways: A scoping review and method for identifying pesticides in local usage
N Rosic, J Bradbury, M Lee, K Baltrotsky, S Grace
Environmental Science & Policy 106, 12-21, 2020
Exploring healthcare professionals’ perceptions of artificial intelligence: Piloting the Shinners Artificial Intelligence Perception tool
L Shinners, S Grace, S Smith, A Stephens, C Aggar
Digital Health 8, 20552076221078110, 2022
Practice-based research in complementary medicine: could N-of-1 trials become the new gold standard?
J Bradbury, C Avila, S Grace
Healthcare 8 (1), 15, 2020
Sociology of the professions: what it means for podiatry
O King, A Borthwick, S Nancarrow, S Grace
Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 11, 1-8, 2018
Identifying common values among seven health professions: An interprofessional analysis
S Grace, E Innes, B Joffe, L East, R Coutts, S Nancarrow
Journal of interprofessional care 31 (3), 325-334, 2017
Trauma informed care education for midwives: An integrative review
T Long, C Aggar, S Grace, T Thomas
Midwifery 104, 103197, 2022
Better Prepared, Better Placement: An Online Resource for Health Students.
S Grace, R O'Neil
Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education 15 (4), 291-304, 2014
CAM practitioners in the Australian health workforce: an underutilized resource
S Grace
BMC complementary and alternative medicine 12, 1-9, 2012
Peer assessment of teamwork in group projects: Evaluation of a rubric
B Vaughan, J Yoxall, S Grace
Issues in Educational Research 29 (3), 961-978, 2019
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Articles 1–20