Shuwen Liu
Shuwen Liu
The Education University of Hong Kong
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Cited by
Impacts of tourists’ sociodemographic characteristics on the travel motivation and satisfaction: the case of protected areas in South China
ATH Ma, ASY Chow, LTO Cheung, KMY Lee, S Liu
Sustainability 10 (10), 3388, 2018
Sense of place and tourism business development
S Liu, LTO Cheung
Tourism Geographies 18 (2), 174-193, 2016
Self-determined travel motivation and environmentally responsible behaviour of Chinese visitors to national forest protected areas in South China
ATH Ma, ASY Chow, LTO Cheung, S Liu
Global Ecology and Conservation 16, e00480, 2018
Towards sustainable consumption: A socio-economic analysis of household waste recycling outcomes in Hong Kong
AY Lo, S Liu
Journal of environmental management 214, 416-425, 2018
The roles of formal and informal institutions in small tourism business development in rural areas of South China
S Liu, I Cheng, L Cheung
Sustainability 9 (7), 1194, 2017
Contested transformations: sustainable economic development and capacity for adapting to climate change
AY Lo, S Liu, LTO Cheung, FKS Chan
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110 (1), 223-241, 2020
Community business resilience: adaptation practice of micro-and small enterprises around the Pearl River Estuary
AY Lo, ASY Chow, S Liu, LTO Cheung
Climatic Change 157 (3), 565-585, 2019
Importance of residents’ satisfaction for supporting future tourism development in rural areas of Hong Kong
ASY Chow, S Liu, LTO Cheung
Asian Geographer 36 (2), 185-199, 2019
Socio-economic conditions and small business vulnerability to climate change impacts in Hong Kong
AY Lo, S Liu, LTO Cheung
Climate and Development 11 (10), 930-942, 2019
Livelihood benefits from post-earthquake nature-based tourism development: A survey of local residents in rural china
S Liu, LTO Cheung, AY Lo, W Fang
Sustainability 10 (3), 699, 2018
In government we trust? Micro-business adaptation to climate change in four post-colonial and transitional economies of China
AY Lo, S Liu, ASY Chow, Q Pei, LTO Cheung, L Fok
Global Environmental Change 69, 102305, 2021
Business vulnerability assessment: a firm-level analysis of micro-and small businesses in China
AY Lo, S Liu, ASY Chow, Q Pei, LTO Cheung, L Fok
Natural Hazards 108, 867-890, 2021
Political-economic transformation and the reproduction of climate change vulnerability of a high-income city
AY Lo, S Liu, LTO Cheung
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 101, 104234, 2024
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Articles 1–13