Kate Laura Sanders
Kate Laura Sanders
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The impact of conservation on the status of the world’s vertebrates
M Hoffmann, C Hilton-Taylor, A Angulo, M Böhm, TM Brooks, ...
science 330 (6010), 1503-1509, 2010
The conservation status of the world’s reptiles
M Böhm, B Collen, JEM Baillie, P Bowles, J Chanson, N Cox, ...
Biological conservation 157, 372-385, 2013
A global reptile assessment highlights shared conservation needs of tetrapods
N Cox, BE Young, P Bowles, M Fernandez, J Marin, G Rapacciuolo, ...
Nature 605 (7909), 285-290, 2022
Molecular phylogeny and divergence dates for Australasian elapids and sea snakes (Hydrophiinae): evidence from seven genes for rapid evolutionary radiations
KL Sanders, MSY Lee, R Leys, R Foster, J Scott Keogh
Journal of evolutionary biology 21 (3), 682-695, 2008
Multilocus phylogeny and recent rapid radiation of the viviparous sea snakes (Elapidae: Hydrophiinae)
KL Sanders, MSY Lee, T Bertozzi, AR Rasmussen
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66 (3), 575-591, 2013
Diversification rates and phenotypic evolution in venomous snakes (Elapidae)
MSY Lee, KL Sanders, B King, A Palci
Royal Society open science 3 (1), 150277, 2016
Over-exploitation and illegal trade of reptiles in Indonesia
V Nijman, CR Shepherd, KL Sanders
The Herpetological Journal 22 (2), 83-89, 2012
Evaluating molecular clock calibrations using Bayesian analyses with soft and hard bounds
KL Sanders, MSY Lee
Biology letters 3 (3), 275-279, 2007
Molecular evidence for a rapid late-Miocene radiation of Australasian venomous snakes (Elapidae, Colubroidea)
KL Sanders, MSY Lee
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46 (3), 1165-1173, 2008
Combining molecular, morphological and ecological data to infer species boundaries in a cryptic tropical pitviper
KL Sanders, A Malhotra, RS Thorpe
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 87 (3), 343-364, 2006
Fascinating and forgotten: the conservation status of marine elapid snakes
C Elfes, S Livingstone, A Lane, V Lukosche, K Sanders, A Courtney, ...
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8 (1), 37-52, 2013
Venom down under: Dynamic evolution of Australian elapid snake toxins
TNW Jackson, K Sunagar, EAB Undheim, I Koludarov, AHC Chan, ...
Toxins 5 (12), 2621-2655, 2013
Molecular evidence for Gondwanan origins of multiple lineages within a diverse Australasian gecko radiation
PM Oliver, KL Sanders
Journal of Biogeography 36 (11), 2044-2055, 2009
Ecological diversification in a group of Indomalayan pitvipers (Trimeresurus): convergence in taxonomically important traits has implications for species identification
KL Sanders, A Malhotra, RS Thorpe
Journal of evolutionary Biology 17 (4), 721-731, 2004
Recent rapid speciation and ecomorph divergence in I ndo‐A ustralian sea snakes
KL Sanders, AR Rasmussen, Mumpuni, J Elmberg, A De Silva, ...
Molecular ecology 22 (10), 2742-2759, 2013
Multiple rod–cone and cone–rod photoreceptor transmutations in snakes: evidence from visual opsin gene expression
BF Simoes, FL Sampaio, ER Loew, KL Sanders, RN Fisher, NS Hart, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1823), 20152624, 2016
Trophic specialization drives morphological evolution in sea snakes
E Sherratt, AR Rasmussen, KL Sanders
Royal Society open science 5 (3), 172141, 2018
Arthropod molecular divergence times and the Cambrian origin of pentastomids
KL Sanders, MSY Lee
Systematics and Biodiversity 8 (1), 63-74, 2010
Evidence for a Müllerian mimetic radiation in Asian pitvipers
KL Sanders, A Malhotra, RS Thorpe
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1590), 1135-1141, 2006
Checklist of the herpetofauna of Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia, with comments on taxonomy
LL Grismer, TM Youmans, PL Wood, A Ponce, SB Wright, BS Jones, ...
HAMADRYAD-MADRAS- 30 (1/2), 61, 2006
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Articles 1–20