Christine Stirling
Christine Stirling
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Psychological health of doctoral candidates, study-related challenges and perceived performance
KM Barry, M Woods, E Warnecke, C Stirling, A Martin
Higher Education Research & Development 37 (3), 468-483, 2018
Who knows, who cares? Dementia knowledge among nurses, care workers, and family members of people living with dementia
A Robinson, C Eccleston, M Annear, KE Elliott, S Andrews, C Stirling, ...
Journal of Palliative Care 30 (3), 158-165, 2014
A psychological contract perspective to the link between non-profit organizations' management practices and volunteer sustainability
C Stirling, S Kilpatrick, P Orpin
Human resource development international 14 (3), 321-336, 2011
Measuring dementia carers' unmet need for services-an exploratory mixed method study
C Stirling, S Andrews, T Croft, J Vickers, P Turner, A Robinson
BMC health services research 10, 1-10, 2010
Delivering patient decision aids on the Internet: definitions, theories, current evidence, and emerging research areas
AS Hoffman, RJ Volk, A Saarimaki, C Stirling, LC Li, M Härter, GR Kamath, ...
BMC medical informatics and decision making 13, 1-12, 2013
What works in implementing patient decision aids in routine clinical settings? A rapid realist review and update from the international patient decision aid standards collaboration
N Joseph-Williams, P Abhyankar, L Boland, P Bravo, AT Brenner, ...
Medical Decision Making 41 (7), 907-937, 2021
Community paramedicine model of care: an observational, ethnographic case study
P O’Meara, C Stirling, M Ruest, A Martin
BMC Health Services Research 16, 1-11, 2015
Extending the paramedic role in rural Australia: a story of flexibility and innovation
PF O’Meara, V Tourle, C Stirling, J Walker, D Pedler
Rural and Remote Health 12 (2), 131-148, 2012
Building capacity and resilience in the dementia care workforce: a systematic review of interventions targeting worker and organizational outcomes
KEJ Elliott, JL Scott, C Stirling, AJ Martin, A Robinson
International Psychogeriatrics 24 (6), 882-894, 2012
Caring for the carer: a systematic review of pure technology-based cognitive behavioral therapy (TB-CBT) interventions for dementia carers
JL Scott, S Dawkins, MG Quinn, K Sanderson, KEJ Elliott, C Stirling, ...
Aging & mental health 20 (8), 793-803, 2016
Engaging rural communities in health care through a paramedic expanded scope of practice
CM Stirling, P O'Meara, D Pedler, V Tourle, J Walker
Rural and Remote Health 7 (4), 1-9, 2007
Factors affecting volunteering among older rural and city dwelling adults in Australia
J Warburton, C Stirling
Educational Gerontology 33 (1), 23-43, 2007
A randomized controlled trial of the effects of mindfulness practice on doctoral candidate psychological status
KM Barry, M Woods, A Martin, C Stirling, E Warnecke
Journal of American College Health 67 (4), 299-307, 2019
Community paramedicine: higher education as an enabling factor
P O'Meara, M Ruest, C Stirling
Australasian Journal of Paramedicine 11, 1-9, 2014
Ambiguous gain: Uncertain benefits of service use for dementia carers
BT Lloyd, C Stirling
Sociology of health & illness 33 (6), 899-913, 2011
An investigation of factors that impact patients’ subjective experience of nurse‐led clinics: a qualitative systematic review
S Jakimowicz, C Stirling, M Duddle
Journal of clinical nursing 24 (1-2), 19-33, 2015
Decision aids for respite service choices by carers of people with dementia: development and pilot RCT
C Stirling, S Leggett, B Lloyd, J Scott, L Blizzard, S Quinn, A Robinson
BMC medical informatics and decision making 12, 1-10, 2012
Training can be a recruitment and retention tool for emergency service volunteers
C Fahey, Walker, A J, Sleigh
The Australian Journal of Emergency Management 17 (3), 3-7, 2002
Rural dementia carers: formal and informal sources of support
P Orpin, C Stirling, S Hetherington, A Robinson
Ageing & Society 34 (2), 185-208, 2014
Flexible, Focused Training: Keeps Volunteer Ambulance Officers
C Fahey, W Judith, G Lennox
Australasian Journal of Paramedicine 1 (1), 2014
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Articles 1–20