Seungbum Hong
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Cited by
Ferroelectric thin films: Review of materials, properties, and applications
N Setter, D Damjanovic, L Eng, G Fox, S Gevorgian, S Hong, A Kingon, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 100 (5), 051606, 2006
Principle of ferroelectric domain imaging using atomic force microscope
S Hong, J Woo, H Shin, JU Jeon, YE Pak, EL Colla, N Setter, E Kim, K No
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (2), 1377-1386, 2001
Direct observation of region by region suppression of the switchable polarization (fatigue) in Pb (Zr, Ti) O 3 thin film capacitors with Pt electrodes
EL Colla, S Hong, DV Taylor, AK Tagantsev, N Setter, K No
Applied Physics Letters 72 (21), 2763-2765, 1998
Flexible ferroelectric organic crystals
M Owczarek, KA Hujsak, DP Ferris, A Prokofjevs, I Majerz, P Szklarz, ...
Nature Communications 7, 13108, 2016
Nanoscale Phenomena in Ferroelectric Thin Films
S Hong
High resolution study of domain nucleation and growth during polarization switching in Pb (Zr, Ti) O 3 ferroelectric thin film capacitors
S Hong, EL Colla, E Kim, DV Taylor, AK Tagantsev, P Muralt, K No, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 86 (1), 607-613, 1999
Coexistence of weak ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity in the high pressure LiNbO 3-type phase of FeTiO 3
T Varga, A Kumar, E Vlahos, S Denev, M Park, S Hong, T Sanehira, ...
Physical Review Letters 103 (4), 047601, 2009
First Demonstration of a Logic-Process Compatible Junctionless Ferroelectric FinFET Synapse for Neuromorphic Applications
M Seo, M Kang, S Jeon, H Bae, J Hur, BC Jang, S Yun, S Cho, W Kim, ...
IEEE Electron Device Letters 39 (9), 1445 - 1448, 2018
An eco-friendly flexible piezoelectric energy harvester that delivers high output performance is based on lead-free MASnI3 films and MASnI3-PVDF composite films
S Ippili, V Jella, JH Eom, J Kim, S Hong, JS Choi, VD Tran, N Van Hieu, ...
Nano Energy 57, 911-923, 2019
Origin of surface potential change during ferroelectric switching in epitaxial PbTiO3 thin films studied by scanning force microscopy
Y Kim, C Bae, K Ryu, H Ko, YK Kim, S Hong, H Shin
Applied Physics Letters 94 (3), 2009
Intrinsically stretchable multi-functional fiber with energy harvesting and strain sensing capability
J Ryu, J Kim, J Oh, S Lim, JY Sim, JS Jeon, K No, S Park, S Hong
Nano Energy 55, 348-353, 2019
Scanning resistive probe microscopy: Imaging ferroelectric domains
H Park, J Jung, DK Min, S Kim, S Hong, H Shin
Applied Physics Letters 84 (10), 1734-1736, 2004
Graphene-based materials and structures for energy harvesting with fluids – A review
JPG Tarelho, MP Soares dos Santos, JAF Ferreira, A Ramos, S Kopyl, ...
Materials Today, 2018
Quantitative analysis of the bit size dependence on the pulse width and pulse voltage in ferroelectric memory devices using atomic force microscopy
J Woo, S Hong, N Setter, H Shin, JU Jeon, YE Pak, K No
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer …, 2001
Effect of Ag nanoparticle concentration on the electrical and ferroelectric properties of Ag/P(VDF-TrFE) composite films
H Paik, YY Choi, S Hong, K No
Scientific Reports 5, 13209, 2015
Emerging Non-Volatile Memories
S Hong, O Auciello, D Wouters
Springer, 2014
Enhanced piezoelectric output performance via control of dielectrics in Fe2+-incorporated MAPbI3 perovskite thin films: Flexible piezoelectric generators
S Ippili, V Jella, J Kim, S Hong, SG Yoon
Nano Energy 49, 247-256, 2018
Screening mechanisms at polar oxide heterointerfaces
S Hong, SM Nakhmanson, DD Fong
Reports on Progress in Physics 79 (7), 076501, 2016
Imaging Local Polarization in Ferroelectric Thin Films by Coherent X-Ray Bragg Projection Ptychography
SO Hruszkewycz, MJ Highland, MV Holt, D Kim, CM Folkman, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (17), 177601, 2013
Effects of cantilever buckling on vector piezoresponse force microscopy imaging of ferroelectric domains in BiFeO3 nanostructures
R Nath, S Hong, JA Klug, A Imre, MJ Bedzyk, RS Katiyar, O Auciello
Applied Physics Letters 96 (16), 2010
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Articles 1–20