Mingdong Tang
Mingdong Tang
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Cited by
An effective web service recommendation method based on personalized collaborative filtering
Y Jiang, J Liu, M Tang, X Liu
2011 IEEE international conference on web services, 211-218, 2011
A secure fabric blockchain-based data transmission technique for industrial Internet-of-Things
W Liang, M Tang, J Long, X Peng, J Xu, KC Li
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (6), 3582-3592, 2019
Location-aware collaborative filtering for QoS-based service recommendation
M Tang, Y Jiang, J Liu, X Liu
2012 IEEE 19th international conference on web services, 202-209, 2012
Circuit copyright blockchain: blockchain-based homomorphic encryption for IP circuit protection
W Liang, D Zhang, X Lei, M Tang, KC Li, AY Zomaya
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 9 (3), 1410-1420, 2020
Location-aware and personalized collaborative filtering for web service recommendation
J Liu, M Tang, Z Zheng, X Liu, S Lyu
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 9 (5), 686-699, 2015
Data fusion approach for collaborative anomaly intrusion detection in blockchain-based systems
W Liang, L Xiao, K Zhang, M Tang, D He, KC Li
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (16), 14741-14751, 2021
Towards a trust evaluation middleware for cloud service selection
M Tang, X Dai, J Liu, J Chen
Future Generation Computer Systems 74, 302-312, 2017
Integrated content and network-based service clustering and web apis recommendation for mashup development
B Cao, XF Liu, MDM Rahman, B Li, J Liu, M Tang
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 13 (1), 99-113, 2017
AWSR: Active web service recommendation based on usage history
G Kang, J Liu, M Tang, X Liu, B Cao, Y Xu
2012 IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services, 186-193, 2012
WE-LDA: a word embeddings augmented LDA model for web services clustering
M Shi, J Liu, D Zhou, M Tang, B Cao
2017 ieee international conference on web services (icws), 9-16, 2017
Collaborative web service quality prediction via exploiting matrix factorization and network map
M Tang, Z Zheng, G Kang, J Liu, Y Yang, T Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 13 (1), 126-137, 2016
Web service QoS prediction via collaborative filtering: A survey
Z Zheng, X Li, M Tang, F Xie, MR Lyu
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 15 (4), 2455-2472, 2020
A privacy-preserving charging scheme for electric vehicles using blockchain and fog computing
H Li, D Han, M Tang
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (3), 3189-3200, 2020
Mashup service recommendation based on user interest and social network
B Cao, J Liu, M Tang, Z Zheng, G Wang
2013 IEEE 20th international conference on web services, 99-106, 2013
Web service selection for resolving conflicting service requests
G Kang, J Liu, M Tang, X Liu, KK Fletcher
2011 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 387-394, 2011
Diversifying web service recommendation results via exploring service usage history
G Kang, M Tang, J Liu, X Liu, B Cao
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 9 (4), 566-579, 2015
A location-based factorization machine model for web service QoS prediction
Y Yang, Z Zheng, X Niu, M Tang, Y Lu, X Liao
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 14 (5), 1264-1277, 2018
Domain-aware Mashup service clustering based on LDA topic model from multiple data sources
B Cao, XF Liu, J Liu, M Tang
Information and Software Technology 90, 40-54, 2017
A privacy-preserving storage scheme for logistics data with assistance of blockchain
H Li, D Han, M Tang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (6), 4704-4720, 2021
Mashup service clustering based on an integration of service content and network via exploiting a two-level topic model
B Cao, X Liu, B Li, J Liu, M Tang, T Zhang, M Shi
2016 ieee international conference on web services (icws), 212-219, 2016
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Articles 1–20