Peter Banks
Peter Banks
Professor of Conservation Science, University of Sydney
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Cited by
Alien predators are more dangerous than native predators to prey populations
P Salo, E Korpimäki, PB Banks, M Nordström, CR Dickman
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1615), 1237-1243, 2007
A review of camera trapping for conservation behaviour research
A Caravaggi, PB Banks, AC Burton, CMV Finlay, PM Haswell, ...
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 3 (3), 109-122, 2017
Four-legged friend or foe? Dog walking displaces native birds from natural areas
PB Banks, JV Bryant
Biology letters 3 (6), 611-613, 2007
Invader Relative Impact Potential: a new metric to understand and predict the ecological impacts of existing, emerging and future invasive alien species
JTA Dick, C Laverty, JJ Lennon, D Barrios‐O'Neill, PJ Mensink, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (4), 1259-1267, 2017
Alien predation and the effects of multiple levels of prey naiveté
PB Banks, CR Dickman
Trends in ecology & evolution 22 (5), 229-230, 2007
Predator manipulation experiments: impacts on populations of terrestrial vertebrate prey
P Salo, PB Banks, CR Dickman, E Korpimäki
Ecological monographs 80 (4), 531-546, 2010
Do wild dogs exclude foxes? Evidence for competition from dietary and spatial overlaps
BD Mitchell, PB Banks
Austral Ecology 30 (5), 581-591, 2005
Naïveté in novel ecological interactions: lessons from theory and experimental evidence
AJR Carthey, PB Banks
Biological Reviews 89 (4), 932-949, 2014
Population indices for wild carnivores: a critical study in sand-dune habitat, south-western Queensland
PS Mahon, PB Banks, CR Dickman
Wildlife Research 25 (1), 11-22, 1998
Sensitivity of insectivorous bats to urbanization: Implications for suburban conservation planning
CG Threlfall, B Law, PB Banks
Biological Conservation 146 (1), 41-52, 2012
Reproductive responses of birds to experimental food supplementation: a meta-analysis
L Ruffino, P Salo, E Koivisto, PB Banks, E Korpimäki
Frontiers in zoology 11, 1-13, 2014
Camera trapping: wildlife management and research
P Meek, P Fleming, G Ballard, P Banks, A Claridge, J Sanderson, ...
Csiro Publishing, 2014
A practical guide to avoid giving up on giving-up densities
MA Bedoya-Perez, AJR Carthey, VSA Mella, C McArthur, PB Banks
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 1541-1553, 2013
A review of the evidence for potential impacts of black rats (Rattus rattus) on wildlife and humans in Australia
PB Banks, NK Hughes
Wildlife Research 39 (1), 78-88, 2012
Predation by red foxes limits recruitment in populations of eastern grey kangaroos
PB Banks, AE Newsome, CR Dickman
Austral Ecology 25 (3), 283-291, 2000
Mobility decisions and the predation risks of reintroduction
PB Banks, K Norrdahl, E Korpimäki
Biological Conservation 103 (2), 133-138, 2002
Relationship between abundance of rodents and damage to agricultural crops
PR Brown, NI Huth, PB Banks, GR Singleton
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 120 (2-4), 405-415, 2007
Predation-sensitive grouping and habitat use by eastern grey kangaroos: a field experiment
PB Banks
Animal Behaviour 61 (5), 1013-1021, 2001
A review of fauna in mine rehabilitation in Australia: current state and future directions
RH Cristescu, C Frère, PB Banks
Biological Conservation 149 (1), 60-72, 2012
Predators are attracted to the olfactory signals of prey
NK Hughes, CJ Price, PB Banks
PLoS One 5 (9), e13114, 2010
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Articles 1–20