Varghese Peter
Varghese Peter
School of Health, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
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Cited by
Atypical cortical entrainment to speech in the right hemisphere underpins phonemic deficits in dyslexia
GM Di Liberto, V Peter, M Kalashnikova, U Goswami, D Burnham, ...
NeuroImage 175, 70-79, 2018
Infant-directed speech facilitates seven-month-old infants’ cortical tracking of speech
M Kalashnikova, V Peter, GM Di Liberto, EC Lalor, D Burnham
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 13745, 2018
Effect of deviance direction and calculation method on duration and frequency mismatch negativity (MMN)
V Peter, G McArthur, WF Thompson
Neuroscience letters 482 (1), 71-75, 2010
Mature neural responses to Infant- Directed Speech but not Adult- Directed Speech in Pre-Verbal Infants
V Peter, M Kalashnikova, A Santos, D Burnham
Scientific Reports 6 (34273), 2016
Discrimination of stress in speech and music: a mismatch negativity (MMN) study
V Peter, G McARTHUR, WF Thompson
Psychophysiology 49 (12), 1590-1600, 2012
Assessing spectral and temporal processing in children and adults using Temporal Modulation Transfer Function (TMTF), Iterated Ripple Noise (IRN) perception, and Spectral …
V Peter, K Wong, VK Narne, M Sharma, SC Purdy, C McMahon
Journal of American Academy of Audiology 25 (2), 210-218, 2014
Effects of broadband noise on cortical evoked auditory responses at different loudness levels in young adults
M Sharma, SC Purdy, KJ Munro, K Sawaya, V Peter
Neuroreport 25 (5), 312-319, 2014
Are lexical tones musical? Native language’s influence on neural response to pitch in different domains
A Chen, V Peter, F Wijnen, H Schnack, D Burnham
Brain and Language 180 (2018), 31-41, 2018
When speaker identity is unavoidable: Neural processing of speaker identity cues in natural speech
A Tuninetti, K Chládková, V Peter, NO Schiller, P Escudero
Brain and Language 174, 42-49, 2017
Effects of type of agreement violation and utterance position on the auditory processing of subject-verb agreement: An ERP study
S Dube, C Kung, V Peter, J Brock, K Demuth
Frontiers in Psychology 7 (1276), 2016
Effect of EEG referencing methods on auditory mismatch negativity
Y Mahajan, V Peter, M Sharma
Frontiers in Neuroscience 11 (560), 2017
Infants show enhanced neural responses to musical meter frequencies beyond low‐level features
T Lenc, V Peter, C Hooper, PE Keller, D Burnham, S Nozaradan
Developmental Science 26 (5), e13353, 2023
Using event-related potentials to measure phrase boundary perception in English
V Peter, G McArthur, S Crain
BMC Neuroscience 15 (129), 2014
The effect of intensity on relative pitch
WF Thompson, V Peter, KN Olsen, CJ Stevens
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (10), 2054-2072, 2012
Auditory ERP response to successive stimuli in infancy
A Chen, V Peter, D Burnham
PeerJ 4 (e1580), 2016
Babies detect when the timing is right: Evidence from event-related potentials to a contingent mother-infant conversation
C Lam-Cassettari, V Peter, M Antoniou
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2021
Language specificity in cortical tracking of speech rhythm at the mora, syllable, and foot levels
V Peter, S van Ommen, M Kalashnikova, R Mazuka, T Nazzi, D Burnham
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 13477, 2022
Impaired neural entrainment to low frequency amplitude modulations in English-speaking children with dyslexia or dyslexia and DLD
V Peter, U Goswami, D Burnham, M Kalashnikova
Brain and language 236, 105217, 2023
English and Mandarin native speakers’ cue-weighting of lexical stress: Results from MMN and LDN
Z Zeng, L Liu, A Tuninetti, V Peter, FM Tsao, K Mattock
Brain and Language 232, 105151, 2022
A bilingal advantage in infant pitch processing
L Liu, V Peter, G Weidemann
Proceedings of the19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences …, 2019
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Articles 1–20