Levan Chotorlishvili
Levan Chotorlishvili
Prof. Dr. Rzeszów University of Technology (Poland)
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Magnetophononics: Ultrafast spin control through the lattice
M Fechner, A Sukhov, L Chotorlishvili, C Kenel, J Berakdar, NA Spaldin
Physical review materials 2 (6), 064401, 2018
Quantum Otto heat engine based on a multiferroic chain working substance
M Azimi, L Chotorlishvili, SK Mishra, T Vekua, W Hübner, J Berakdar
New Journal of Physics 16 (6), 063018, 2014
Spin-flavor oscillations of ultrahigh-energy cosmic neutrinos in interstellar space: The role of neutrino magnetic moments
P Kurashvili, KA Kouzakov, L Chotorlishvili, AI Studenikin
Physical Review D 96 (10), 103017, 2017
Superadiabatic quantum heat engine with a multiferroic working medium
L Chotorlishvili, M Azimi, S Stagraczyński, Z Toklikishvili, M Schüler, ...
Physical Review E 94 (3), 032116, 2016
Fokker-Planck approach to the theory of the magnon-driven spin Seebeck effect
L Chotorlishvili, Z Toklikishvili, VK Dugaev, J Barnaś, S Trimper, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (14), 144429, 2013
Spin-dependent Otto quantum heat engine based on a molecular substance
W Hübner, G Lefkidis, CD Dong, D Chaudhuri, L Chotorlishvili, J Berakdar
Physical Review B 90 (2), 024401, 2014
Dynamics of localized modes in a composite multiferroic chain
L Chotorlishvili, R Khomeriki, A Sukhov, S Ruffo, J Berakdar
Physical Review Letters 111 (11), 117202, 2013
Electric field controlled spin waveguide phase shifter in YIG
X Wang, L Chotorlishvili, G Guo, J Berakdar
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (7), 2018
Pulse and quench induced dynamical phase transition in a chiral multiferroic spin chain
M Azimi, M Sekania, SK Mishra, L Chotorlishvili, Z Toklikishvili, J Berakdar
Physical Review B 94 (6), 064423, 2016
Spectral characteristics of time resolved magnonic spin Seebeck effect
SR Etesami, L Chotorlishvili, J Berakdar
Applied Physics Letters 107 (13), 2015
Entanglement between nitrogen vacancy spins in diamond controlled by a nanomechanical resonator
L Chotorlishvili, D Sander, A Sukhov, V Dugaev, VR Vieira, A Komnik, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (8), 085201, 2013
Helical multiferroics for electric field controlled quantum information processing
M Azimi, L Chotorlishvili, SK Mishra, S Greschner, T Vekua, J Berakdar
Physical Review B 89 (2), 024424, 2014
Longitudinal spin current induced by a temperature gradient in a ferromagnetic insulator
SR Etesami, L Chotorlishvili, A Sukhov, J Berakdar
Physical Review B 90 (1), 014410, 2014
Many-body localization phase in a spin-driven chiral multiferroic chain
S Stagraczyński, L Chotorlishvili, M Schüler, M Mierzejewski, J Berakdar
Physical Review B 96 (5), 054440, 2017
The optical tweezer of skyrmions
XG Wang, L Chotorlishvili, VK Dugaev, A Ernst, IV Maznichenko, N Arnold, ...
npj Computational Materials 6 (1), 140, 2020
Electromagnetically controlled multiferroic thermal diode
L Chotorlishvili, SR Etesami, J Berakdar, R Khomeriki, J Ren
Physical Review B 92 (13), 134424, 2015
Creation and amplification of electromagnon solitons by electric field in nanostructured multiferroics
R Khomeriki, L Chotorlishvili, BA Malomed, J Berakdar
Physical Review B 91 (4), 041408, 2015
Three-level spin system under decoherence-minimizing driving fields: Application to nitrogen-vacancy spin dynamics
SK Mishra, L Chotorlishvili, ARP Rau, J Berakdar
Physical Review A 90 (3), 033817, 2014
Magnetic fluctuations in topological insulators with ordered magnetic adatoms: Cr on BiSe from first principles
L Chotorlishvili, A Ernst, VK Dugaev, A Komnik, MG Vergniory, ...
Physical Review B 89 (7), 075103, 2014
Quantum chaos and its kinetic stage of evolution
L Chotorlishvili, A Ugulava
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 239 (3-4), 103-122, 2010
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Articles 1–20