p polakos
p polakos
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A comprehensive survey on fog computing: State-of-the-art and research challenges
C Mouradian, D Naboulsi, S Yangui, RH Glitho, MJ Morrow, PA Polakos
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 20 (1), 416-464, 2017
Wireless sensor network virtualization: A survey
I Khan, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, N Crespi, M Morrow, P Polakos
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (1), 553-576, 2015
Multiparticle production on hydrogen, argon, and xenon targets in a streamer chamber by 200-GeV/c proton and antiproton beams
C De Marzo, M De Palma, A Distante, C Favuzzi, G Germinario, P Lavopa, ...
Physical Review D 26, 1019-1035, 1982
CloudIQ: A framework for processing base stations in a data center
S Bhaumik, SP Chandrabose, MK Jataprolu, G Kumar, A Muralidhar, ...
Proceedings of the 18th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2012
Experimental studies of the acoustic signature of proton beams traversing fluid media
L Sulak, T Armstrong, H Baranger, M Bregman, M Levi, D Mael, J Strait, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods 161 (2), 203-217, 1979
e Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
WF Baker, DP Eartly, RM Kalhach, JS Klinger, AJ Lennox, PA Polakos, ...
System and method of wireless communication using large-scale antenna networks
TL Marzetta, A Ashikhmin, PA Polakos
US Patent 9,893,773, 2018
RF measurement technique for characterizing thin dielectric films
Z Ma, AJ Becker, P Polakos, H Huggins, J Pastalan, H Wu, K Watts, ...
IEEE Transactions on electron devices 45 (8), 1811-1816, 1998
Magnetostatic interactions between magnetic arrays and superconducting thin films
Y Otani, B Pannetier, JP Nozieres, D Givord
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 126 (1-3), 622-625, 1993
A study of deep inelastic hadron-hadron collisions with a large acceptance calorimeter trigger
C De Marzo, M De Palma, A Distante, C Favuzzi, G Germinario, P Lavopa, ...
Physics Letters B 112 (2), 173-177, 1982
A platform as-a-service for hybrid cloud/fog environments
S Yangui, P Ravindran, O Bibani, RH Glitho, NB Hadj-Alouane, ...
2016 IEEE international symposium on local and metropolitan area networks …, 2016
Measurement of direct photon production at large transverse momentum in π^{-} p, π^{+} p, and pp collisions at 300 GeV/c
C De Marzo, M De Palma, C Favuzzi, G Maggi, E Nappi, F Posa, ...
Physical Review D 36 (1), 8, 1987
Controllable reduction of critical currents in YBa2Cu3O7-δ films
AE White, KT Short, RC Dynes, AFJ Levi, M Anzlowar, KW Baldwin, ...
Applied physics letters 53 (11), 1010-1012, 1988
High-power HTS microstrip filters for wireless communication
GC Liang, D Zhang, CF Shih, ME Johansson, RS Withers, DE Oates, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 43 (12), 3020-3029, 1995
Wireless sensor network virtualization: early architecture and research perspectives
I Khan, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, N Crespi, M Morrow, P Polakos
IEEE Network 29 (3), 104-112, 2015
Methods and apparatus for characterization, adjustment and optimization of wireless networks
KL Clarkson, KG Hampel, JD Hobby, PM Mankiewich, PA Polakos
US Patent 6,842,431, 2005
Measurement of the average transverse momentum and of the pion-emission volume in proton-nucleus and antiproton-nucleus reactions at 200 GeV
C De Marzo, M De Palma, A Distante, C Favuzzi, P Lavopa, G Maggi, ...
Physical Review D 29 (3), 363, 1984
Road-based evaluation and interpolation of wireless network parameters
KL Clarkson, KG Hampel, JD Hobby, PA Polakos
US Patent 6,631,267, 2003
Dependence of multiplicity and rapidity distributions on the number of projectile collisions in 200-GeV/c proton-nucleus interactions
C De Marzo, M De Palma, A Distante, C Favuzzi, P Lavopa, G Maggi, ...
Physical Review D 29 (11), 2476, 1984
911-NOW: A network on wheels for emergency response and disaster recovery operations
D Abusch-Magder, P Bosch, TE Klein, PA Polakos, LG Samuel, ...
Bell Labs Technical Journal 11 (4), 113-133, 2007
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Articles 1–20