Xuyun Zhang
Cited by
Cited by
Membership inference attacks on machine learning: A survey
H Hu, Z Salcic, L Sun, G Dobbie, PS Yu, X Zhang
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (11s), 1-37, 2022
A game-theoretical approach for user allocation in edge computing environment
Q He, G Cui, X Zhang, F Chen, S Deng, H Jin, Y Li, Y Yang
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 31 (3), 515-529, 2019
A scalable two-phase top-down specialization approach for data anonymization using mapreduce on cloud
X Zhang, LT Yang, C Liu, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (2), 363-373, 2013
A computation offloading method over big data for IoT-enabled cloud-edge computing
X Xu, Q Liu, Y Luo, K Peng, X Zhang, S Meng, L Qi
Future Generation Computer Systems 95, 522-533, 2019
BeCome: Blockchain-enabled computation offloading for IoT in mobile edge computing
X Xu, X Zhang, H Gao, Y Xue, L Qi, W Dou
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (6), 4187-4195, 2019
External integrity verification for outsourced big data in cloud and IoT: A big picture
C Liu, C Yang, X Zhang, J Chen
Future generation computer systems 49, 58-67, 2015
Authorized public auditing of dynamic big data storage on cloud with efficient verifiable fine-grained updates
C Liu, J Chen, LT Yang, X Zhang, C Yang, R Ranjan, R Kotagiri
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (9), 2234-2244, 2013
MuR-DPA: Top-down levelled multi-replica merkle hash tree based secure public auditing for dynamic big data storage on cloud
C Liu, R Ranjan, C Yang, X Zhang, L Wang, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Computers 64 (9), 2609-2622, 2014
An edge computing-enabled computation offloading method with privacy preservation for internet of connected vehicles
X Xu, Y Xue, L Qi, Y Yuan, X Zhang, T Umer, S Wan
Future Generation Computer Systems 96, 89-100, 2019
Privacy-aware data fusion and prediction with spatial-temporal context for smart city industrial environment
L Qi, C Hu, X Zhang, MR Khosravi, S Sharma, S Pang, T Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (6), 4159-4167, 2021
A distributed locality-sensitive hashing-based approach for cloud service recommendation from multi-source data
L Qi, X Zhang, W Dou, Q Ni
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (11), 2616-2624, 2017
KASR: a keyword-aware service recommendation method on mapreduce for big data applications
S Meng, W Dou, X Zhang, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (12), 3221-3231, 2014
A QoS-aware virtual machine scheduling method for energy conservation in cloud-based cyber-physical systems
L Qi, Y Chen, Y Yuan, S Fu, X Zhang, X Xu
World Wide Web 23, 1275-1297, 2020
Fast memory efficient local outlier detection in data streams
M Salehi, C Leckie, JC Bezdek, T Vaithianathan, X Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28 (12), 3246-3260, 2016
A privacy leakage upper bound constraint-based approach for cost-effective privacy preserving of intermediate data sets in cloud
X Zhang, C Liu, S Nepal, S Pandey, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 24 (6), 1192-1202, 2012
A two-stage locality-sensitive hashing based approach for privacy-preserving mobile service recommendation in cross-platform edge environment
L Qi, X Zhang, W Dou, C Hu, C Yang, J Chen
Future Generation Computer Systems 88, 636-643, 2018
HireSome-II: Towards privacy-aware cross-cloud service composition for big data applications
W Dou, X Zhang, J Liu, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (2), 455-466, 2013
EnReal: An Energy-Aware Resource Allocation Method for Scientific Workflow Executions in Cloud Environment
X Xu, W Dou, X Zhang, J Chen
IEEE transactions on cloud computing 4 (2), 166-179, 2015
A hybrid approach for scalable sub-tree anonymization over big data using MapReduce on cloud
X Zhang, C Liu, S Nepal, C Yang, W Dou, J Chen
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 80 (5), 1008-1020, 2014
Finding all you need: web APIs recommendation in web of things through keywords search
L Qi, Q He, F Chen, W Dou, S Wan, X Zhang, X Xu
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 6 (5), 1063-1072, 2019
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Articles 1–20