Mapping vulnerability: Disasters, development and people G Bankoff, G Frerks, D Hilhorst Routledge, 2013 | 1241 | 2013 |
Rendering the world unsafe:‘vulnerability’as western discourse G Bankoff Disasters 25 (1), 19-35, 2001 | 907 | 2001 |
Cultures of disaster: Society and natural hazard in the Philippines G Bankoff Routledge, 2003 | 800 | 2003 |
Introduction: mapping vulnerability D Hilhorst, G Bankoff Mapping vulnerability, 1-9, 2013 | 520* | 2013 |
Cultures and disasters: understanding cultural framings in disaster risk reduction F Krüger, G Bankoff, T Cannon, B Orlowski, ELF Schipper Routledge, 2015 | 287 | 2015 |
Mapping Vulnerability: Disasters G Bankoff Development, and People/Earthscan, 2004 | 279 | 2004 |
Constructing vulnerability: the historical, natural and social generation of flooding in metropolitan Manila G Bankoff Disasters 27 (3), 224-238, 2003 | 269 | 2003 |
The Historical Geography of Disaster:‘Vulnerability'and ‘Local Knowledge'in Western Discourse 1 G Bankoff Mapping vulnerability, 25-36, 2013 | 256 | 2013 |
Time is of the Essence: Disasters, Vulnerability and History1 G Bankoff International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters 22 (3), 23-42, 2004 | 184 | 2004 |
In the eye of the storm: The social construction of the forces of nature and the climatic and seismic construction of God in the Philippines G Bankoff Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 35 (1), 91-111, 2004 | 168 | 2004 |
The politics of risk in the Philippines: comparing state and NGO perceptions of disaster management G Bankoff, D Hilhorst Disasters 33 (4), 686-704, 2009 | 165 | 2009 |
Dangers to going it alone: social capital and the origins of community resilience in the Philippines G Bankoff Continuity and Change 22 (2), 327-355, 2007 | 150 | 2007 |
Vulnerability as a measure of change in society G Bankoff International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters 21 (2), 5-30, 2003 | 121 | 2003 |
Remaking the world in our own image: Vulnerability, resilience and adaptation as historical discourses G Bankoff Disasters 43 (2), 221-239, 2019 | 120 | 2019 |
Flammable cities: urban conflagration and the making of the modern world SJ Pyne University of Wisconsin Pres, 2012 | 102 | 2012 |
Crime, society, and the state in the nineteenth-century Philippines G Bankoff (No Title), 1996 | 98 | 1996 |
A history of poverty: The politics of natural disasters in the Philippines, 1985–95 G Bankoff The Pacific Review 12 (3), 381-420, 1999 | 94 | 1999 |
Comparing vulnerabilities: toward charting an historical trajectory of disasters G Bankoff Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 103-114, 2007 | 89 | 2007 |
One island too many: reappraising the extent of deforestation in the Philippines prior to 1946 G Bankoff Journal of Historical Geography 33 (2), 314-334, 2007 | 87 | 2007 |
The'English Lowlands' and the North Sea basin system: A history of shared risk G Bankoff Environment and History 19 (1), 3-37, 2013 | 84 | 2013 |