David Holmes
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Cited by
Smooth particle hydrodynamics simulations of low Reynolds number flows through porous media
DW Holmes, JR Williams, P Tilke
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2011
Conjugate natural convection heat transfer in a partitioned differentially-heated square cavity
M Khatamifar, W Lin, SW Armfield, D Holmes, MP Kirkpatrick
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 81, 92-103, 2017
Mechanical behaviour of flexible 3D printed gyroid structures as a tuneable replacement for soft padding foam
DW Holmes, D Singh, R Lamont, R Daley, DP Forrestal, P Slattery, ...
Additive Manufacturing 50, 102555, 2022
Constitutive model for large strain deformation of semicrystalline polymers
DW Holmes, JG Loughran, H Suehrcke
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 10, 281-313, 2006
Muco-ciliary clearance: A review of modelling techniques
SM Vanaki, D Holmes, SC Saha, J Chen, RJ Brown, PG Jayathilake
Journal of biomechanics 99, 109578, 2020
Characterizing flow in oil reservoir rock using SPH: absolute permeability
DW Holmes, JR Williams, P Tilke, CR Leonardi
Computational Particle Mechanics 3, 141-154, 2016
Development of a competency mapping tool for undergraduate professional degree programmes, using mechanical engineering as a case study
DW Holmes, M Sheehan, M Birks, J Smithson
European Journal of Engineering Education 43 (1), 126-143, 2018
An events based algorithm for distributing concurrent tasks on multi-core architectures
DW Holmes, JR Williams, P Tilke
Computer Physics Communications 181 (2), 341-354, 2010
Systematic design of an advanced open-source 3D bioprinter for extrusion and electrohydrodynamic-based processes
M Lanaro, A Luu, A Lightbody-Gee, D Hedger, SK Powell, DW Holmes, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 113, 2539-2554, 2021
Numerical aspects associated with the implementation of a finite strain, elasto‐viscoelastic–viscoplastic constitutive theory in principal stretches
DW Holmes, JG Loughran
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 83 (3), 366-402, 2010
A framework for parallel computational physics algorithms on multi-core: SPH in parallel
DW Holmes, JR Williams, P Tilke
Advances in Engineering Software 42 (11), 999-1008, 2011
Novel pressure inlet and outlet boundary conditions for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, applied to real problems in porous media flow
DW Holmes, P Pivonka
Journal of Computational Physics 429, 110029, 2021
Three-dimensional numerical analysis of periciliary liquid layer: Ciliary abnormalities in respiratory diseases
S M. Vanaki, D Holmes, PG Jayathilake, R Brown
Applied Sciences 9 (19), 4033, 2019
Parallel computation particle methods for multi-phase fluid flow with application oil reservoir characterization
JR Williams, D Holmes, P Tilke
Particle-Based Methods: Fundamentals and Applications, 113-134, 2011
Smooth particle hydrodynamics for grain scale multi-phase fluid simulations
D Holmes, J Williams, P Tilke
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Particle-Based Methods …, 2009
Transport and fate of inhaled particles after deposition onto the airway surface liquid: A 3D numerical study
SM Vanaki, D Holmes, K Suara, PG Jayathilake, R Brown
Computers in Biology and Medicine 117, 103595, 2020
Water management study at Kaudulla irrigation scheme, Sri Lanka
Hydraulics Research Station, DW Holmes
HRS, 1981
Practical evaluation of lithium-ion battery state-of-charge estimation using time-series machine learning for electric vehicles
M Sadykov, S Haines, M Broadmeadow, G Walker, DW Holmes
Energies 16 (4), 1628, 2023
A new membrane formulation for modelling the flow of stomatocyte, discocyte, and echinocyte red blood cells
DMW Karandeniya, DW Holmes, E Sauret, YT Gu
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 21 (3), 899-917, 2022
Simulation of complex particle suspensions using coupled lattice Boltzmann-discrete element methods
C Leonardi, B Jones, D Holmes, J Williams
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods …, 2013
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Articles 1–20