Christian S. Jensen
Christian S. Jensen
Aalborg University, Department of Computer Science
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Indexing the positions of continuously moving objects
S Šaltenis, CS Jensen, ST Leutenegger, MA Lopez
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2000
A foundation for representing and querying moving objects
RH Güting, MH Böhlen, M Erwig, CS Jensen, NA Lorentzos, M Schneider, ...
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 25 (1), 1-42, 2000
Novel approaches to the indexing of moving object trajectories.
D Pfoser, CS Jensen, Y Theodoridis
VLDB 2000, 395-406, 2000
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language
TSQL2 Language Design Committee
edited by R. Snodgrass, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995
Efficient retrieval of the top-k most relevant spatial web objects
G Cong, CS Jensen, D Wu
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2 (1), 337-348, 2009
Capturing the uncertainty of moving-object representations
D Pfoser, CS Jensen
International Symposium on Spatial Databases, 111-131, 1999
Discovery of convoys in trajectory databases
H Jeung, ML Yiu, X Zhou, CS Jensen, HT Shen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1002.0963, 2010
Nearest and reverse nearest neighbor queries for moving objects
R Benetis, CS Jensen, G Karĉiauskas, S Ŝaltenis
The VLDB Journal 15, 229-249, 2006
Spacetwist: Managing the trade-offs among location privacy, query performance, and query accuracy in mobile services
ML Yiu, CS Jensen, X Huang, H Lu
2008 IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, 366-375, 2008
Query and update efficient B+-tree based indexing of moving objects
CS Jensen, D Lin, BC Ooi
Proceedings of the Thirtieth international conference on Very large data …, 2004
The consensus glossary of temporal database concepts—February 1998 version
CS Jensen, CE Dyreson, M Böhlen, J Clifford, R Elmasri, SK Gadia, ...
Temporal Databases: Research and Practice, 367-405, 1998
Mining significant semantic locations from GPS data
X Cao, G Cong, CS Jensen
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 3 (1-2), 1009-1020, 2010
Temporal data management
CS Jensen, RT Snodgrass
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 11 (1), 36-44, 1999
A consensus glossary of temporal database concepts
CS jensen, C Dyreson, F Grandi, W Käfer, N Kline, N Lorentzos, ...
ACM SIGMOD Record 23 (1), 52-64, 1994
Collective spatial keyword querying
X Cao, G Cong, CS Jensen, BC Ooi
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2011
Spatial keyword query processing: An experimental evaluation
L Chen, G Cong, CS Jensen, D Wu
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (3), 217-228, 2013
A foundation for capturing and querying complex multidimensional data
TB Pedersen, CS Jensen, CE Dyreson
Information systems 26 (5), 383-423, 2001
Multidimensional data modeling for complex data
TB Pedersen, CS Jensen
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Data Engineering (Cat. No …, 1999
Outlier detection for time series with recurrent autoencoder ensembles.
T Kieu, B Yang, C Guo, CS Jensen
IJCAI, 2725-2732, 2019
Pad: privacy-area aware, dummy-based location privacy in mobile services
H Lu, CS Jensen, ML Yiu
Proceedings of the Seventh ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering …, 2008
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Articles 1–20