Thushani A.Weerasinghe
Thushani A.Weerasinghe
University of Colombo School of Computing, University of Colombo, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
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Inquiry-based learning with and without facilitator interactions
TA Weerasinghe, R Ramberg, KP Hewagamage
International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education/Revue …, 2012
An Evaluation of Different Types of Blended Learning Activities in Higher Education
TA Weerasinghe
18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT …, 2018
Game based learning as a supplementary approach in teaching mathematics
H Perera, KP Hewagamage, TA Weerasinghe
2017 Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging …, 2017
Designing online learning environments for distance learning
TA Weerasinghe, R Ramberg, KP Hewagamage
Gap between theory and practice: Human factors in designing and developing effective e-learning materials for a structured syllabus
TA Weerasinghe, K Nishakumari, KP Hewagamage
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on eLearning for …, 2007
Designing online courses for individual and collaborative learning: A study of a virtual learning environment based in Sri Lanka
T Weerasinghe
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm Univeristy, 2015
Usability Heuristics for Early Primary Children: A Case Study in Sri Lanka
S Samarakoon, TA Weerasinghe, H Usoof
2021 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational …, 2021
Guidelines to design successful online learning environments
T Weerasinghe, R Ramberg, K Hewagamage
A vailable at: https://www. researchgate. net/publication …, 2009
Re-evaluation of community of inquiry model with its metacognitive presence construct
TA Weerasinghe, K Hewagamge, R Ramberg
The International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions 5 (4), 1-13, 2012
Guidelines to Design Online Learning Environments
TA Weerasinghe, R Ramberg, KP Hewagamage
e-Asia conference, Univeristy of Colombo School of Computing, Sri Lanka, 2009
Designing a peer-teaching activity to promote inquiry-based learning
T Weerasinghe, R Ramberg, K Hewagamage
learning 5, 6, 2013
Effectiveness of a VR-based Solution to Improve Practical Skills of Trainee Nurses in Sri Lanka
CLP Aluthge, KAS Imeshika, TA Weerasinghe, KD Sandaruwan
2022 International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems …, 2022
Designing a VR based solution to improve practical nursing skills in Sri Lanka
A Aluthge, KAS Imeshika, TA Weerasinghe, KD Sandaruwan
2022 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC …, 2022
Enriching Academic Vocabulary of the Undergraduates in Technological Study Stream in Sri Lanka: A Comparative Exploration of the Effectiveness of Virtual Blended and Face-To …
RP Dharmawardene, TA Weerasinghe, MGL Ananda
Colombo Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research 5 (1-2), 67-96, 2020
A Critical Review on Terminology and Definitions of Blended Learning
SAN Danushka, TA Weerasinghe
17th International Conference on Business Management (ICBM 2020), Faculty of …, 2020
Student-led inquiry-based learning
TA Weerasinghe, R Ramberg, KP Hewagamage
International journal of education and information technologies 8, 265-275, 2014
Learners' satisfaction, learning style preferences and effective use of an OLE
T Weerasinghe, R Ramberg, K Hewagamage
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 3 (2008), 2008
A Comparative Evaluation of PDF-to-HTML Conversion Tools
P Pathirana, A Silva, T Lawrence, T Weerasinghe, R Abeyweera
2023 International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems …, 2023
Sri Lankan Female Adolescents' Willingness to Share Psychosocial Issue and Receive Advice Online
A Mudannayake, T Weerasinghe
10th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation …, 2017
ICT for Psychosocial Competence Development among Adolescents
MADAL Mudannayake, TA Weerasinghe
International Conference on Global Education and E – Learning 1, 9-18, 2017
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Articles 1–20