Benjamin F. Gruenbaum, MD, PhD
Benjamin F. Gruenbaum, MD, PhD
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Cited by
Effect of glutamate and blood glutamate scavengers oxaloacetate and pyruvate on neurological outcome and pathohistology of the hippocampus after traumatic brain injury in rats
A Zlotnik, I Sinelnikov, BF Gruenbaum, SE Gruenbaum, M Dubilet, ...
The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists 116 (1), 73-83, 2012
Pharmacologic neuroprotection for functional outcomes after traumatic brain injury: a systematic review of the clinical literature
SE Gruenbaum, A Zlotnik, BF Gruenbaum, D Hersey, F Bilotta
CNS drugs 30, 791-806, 2016
Pathophysiology and current drug treatments for post-stroke depression: a review
D Frank, BF Gruenbaum, A Zlotnik, M Semyonov, A Frenkel, M Boyko
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (23), 15114, 2022
Pyruvate’s blood glutamate scavenging activity contributes to the spectrum of its neuroprotective mechanisms in a rat model of stroke
M Boyko, A Zlotnik, BF Gruenbaum, SE Gruenbaum, S Ohayon, R Kuts, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 34 (9), 1432-1441, 2011
The effects of estrogen and progesterone on blood glutamate levels: evidence from changes of blood glutamate levels during the menstrual cycle in women
A Zlotnik, BF Gruenbaum, B Mohar, R Kuts, SE Gruenbaum, S Ohayon, ...
Biology of reproduction 84 (3), 581-586, 2011
Establishment of an animal model of depression contagion
M Boyko, R Kutz, J Grinshpun, V Zvenigorodsky, SE Gruenbaum, ...
Behavioural brain research 281, 358-363, 2015
Brain to blood glutamate scavenging as a novel therapeutic modality: a review
M Boyko, SE Gruenbaum, BF Gruenbaum, Y Shapira, A Zlotnik
Journal of neural transmission 121, 971-979, 2014
The effect of blood glutamate scavengers oxaloacetate and pyruvate on neurological outcome in a rat model of subarachnoid hemorrhage
M Boyko, I Melamed, BF Gruenbaum, SE Gruenbaum, S Ohayon, ...
Neurotherapeutics 9 (3), 649-657, 2012
An experimental model of focal ischemia using an internal carotid artery approach
M Boyko, A Zlotnik, BF Gruenbaum, SE Gruenbaum, S Ohayon, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 193 (2), 246-253, 2010
The influence of aging on poststroke depression using a rat model via middle cerebral artery occlusion
M Boyko, R Kutz, BF Gruenbaum, H Cohen, N Kozlovsky, SE Gruenbaum, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 13, 847-859, 2013
Cell-free DNA—a marker to predict ischemic brain damage in a rat stroke experimental model
M Boyko, S Ohayon, T Goldsmith, A Douvdevani, BF Gruenbaum, ...
Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology 23 (3), 222-228, 2011
The neuro-behavioral profile in rats after subarachnoid hemorrhage
M Boyko, AN Azab, R Kuts, BF Gruenbaum, SE Gruenbaum, I Melamed, ...
Brain research 1491, 109-116, 2013
Extensive training and hippocampus or striatum lesions: effect on place and response strategies
TK Jacobson, BF Gruenbaum, EJ Markus
Physiology & behavior 105 (3), 645-652, 2012
The effect of pyruvate on the development and progression of post-stroke depression: A new therapeutic approach
D Frank, R Kuts, P Tsenter, BF Gruenbaum, Y Grinshpun, ...
Neuropharmacology 155, 173-184, 2019
Pharmacokinetics of glutamate–oxaloacetate transaminase and glutamate–pyruvate transaminase and their blood glutamate-lowering activity in naïve rats
M Boyko, D Stepensky, BF Gruenbaum, SE Gruenbaum, I Melamed, ...
Neurochemical research 37, 2198-2205, 2012
Morphological and neuro-behavioral parallels in the rat model of stroke
M Boyko, S Ohayon, T Goldsmith, L Novack, V Novack, ZH Perry, ...
Behavioural brain research 223 (1), 17-23, 2011
Determination of factors affecting glutamate concentrations in the whole blood of healthy human volunteers
A Zlotnik, S Ohayon, BF Gruenbaum, SE Gruenbaum, B Mohar, M Boyko, ...
Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology 23 (1), 45-49, 2011
The development of novel drug treatments for stroke patients: a review
D Frank, A Zlotnik, M Boyko, BF Gruenbaum
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (10), 5796, 2022
A novel method for assessing cerebral edema, infarcted zone and blood-brain barrier breakdown in a single post-stroke rodent brain
R Kuts, D Frank, BF Gruenbaum, J Grinshpun, I Melamed, B Knyazer, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 1105, 2019
Effects of strong physical exercise on blood glutamate and its metabolite 2-ketoglutarate levels in healthy volunteers
A Leibowitz, Y Klin, B Gruenbaum, S Gruenbaum, R Kuts, M Dubilet, ...
Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis 72 (4), 385-396, 2012
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Articles 1–20