Shi Jin
Cited by
Cited by
Federated learning with differential privacy: Algorithms and performance analysis
K Wei, J Li, M Ding, C Ma, HH Yang, F Farokhi, S Jin, TQS Quek, HV Poor
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 15, 3454-3469, 2020
Wireless communications with reconfigurable intelligent surface: Path loss modeling and experimental measurement
W Tang, MZ Chen, X Chen, JY Dai, Y Han, M Di Renzo, Y Zeng, S Jin, ...
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 20 (1), 421-439, 2020
Deep learning for massive MIMO CSI feedback
CK Wen, WT Shih, S Jin
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 7 (5), 748-751, 2018
Large intelligent surface-assisted wireless communication exploiting statistical CSI
Y Han, W Tang, S Jin, CK Wen, X Ma
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (8), 8238-8242, 2019
Deep learning-based channel estimation for beamspace mmWave massive MIMO systems
H He, CK Wen, S Jin, GY Li
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 7 (5), 852-855, 2018
Deep learning for wireless physical layer: Opportunities and challenges
T Wang, CK Wen, H Wang, F Gao, T Jiang, S Jin
China Communications 14 (11), 92-111, 2017
Power scaling of uplink massive MIMO systems with arbitrary-rank channel means
Q Zhang, S Jin, KK Wong, H Zhu, M Matthaiou
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 8 (5), 966-981, 2014
A unified transmission strategy for TDD/FDD massive MIMO systems with spatial basis expansion model
H Xie, F Gao, S Zhang, S Jin
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (4), 3170-3184, 2016
Spatial-and frequency-wideband effects in millimeter-wave massive MIMO systems
B Wang, F Gao, S Jin, H Lin, GY Li
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (13), 3393-3406, 2018
Programmable time-domain digital-coding metasurface for non-linear harmonic manipulation and new wireless communication systems
J Zhao, X Yang, JY Dai, Q Cheng, X Li, NH Qi, JC Ke, GD Bai, S Liu, S Jin, ...
National science review 6 (2), 231-238, 2019
Model-driven deep learning for physical layer communications
H He, S Jin, CK Wen, F Gao, GY Li, Z Xu
IEEE Wireless Communications 26 (5), 77-83, 2019
MIMO transmission through reconfigurable intelligent surface: System design, analysis, and implementation
W Tang, JY Dai, MZ Chen, KK Wong, X Li, X Zhao, S Jin, Q Cheng, TJ Cui
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 38 (11), 2683-2699, 2020
Deep learning-based CSI feedback approach for time-varying massive MIMO channels
T Wang, CK Wen, S Jin, GY Li
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 8 (2), 416-419, 2018
Model-driven deep learning for MIMO detection
H He, CK Wen, S Jin, GY Li
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 68, 1702-1715, 2020
Beam division multiple access transmission for massive MIMO communications
C Sun, X Gao, S Jin, M Matthaiou, Z Ding, C Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (6), 2170-2184, 2015
A wireless communication scheme based on space-and frequency-division multiplexing using digital metasurfaces
L Zhang, MZ Chen, W Tang, JY Dai, L Miao, XY Zhou, S Jin, Q Cheng, ...
Nature electronics 4 (3), 218-227, 2021
Bayes-optimal joint channel-and-data estimation for massive MIMO with low-precision ADCs
CK Wen, CJ Wang, S Jin, KK Wong, P Ting
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (10), 2541-2556, 2015
Uplink achievable rate for massive MIMO systems with low-resolution ADC
L Fan, S Jin, CK Wen, H Zhang
IEEE Communications Letters 19 (12), 2186-2189, 2015
Channel estimation for massive MIMO using Gaussian-mixture Bayesian learning
CK Wen, S Jin, KK Wong, JC Chen, P Ting
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14 (3), 1356-1368, 2014
Convolutional neural network-based multiple-rate compressive sensing for massive MIMO CSI feedback: Design, simulation, and analysis
J Guo, CK Wen, S Jin, GY Li
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (4), 2827-2840, 2020
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Articles 1–20