Dr Pete Watt
Cited by
Cited by
Measuring forest structure with terrestrial laser scanning
PJ Watt, DNM Donoghue
International Journal of Remote Sensing 26 (7), 1437-1446, 2005
Remote sensing of species mixtures in conifer plantations using LiDAR height and intensity data
DNM Donoghue, PJ Watt, NJ Cox, J Wilson
Remote Sensing of Environment 110 (4), 509-522, 2007
Using LiDAR to compare forest height estimates from IKONOS and Landsat ETM+ data in Sitka spruce plantation forests
DNM Donoghue, PJ Watt
International Journal of Remote Sensing 27 (11), 2161-2175, 2006
An assessment of global forest change datasets for national forest monitoring and reporting
N Galiatsatos, DNM Donoghue, P Watt, P Bholanath, J Pickering, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (11), 1790, 2020
Comparing parametric and non-parametric methods of predicting Site Index for radiata pine using combinations of data derived from environmental surfaces, satellite imagery and …
MS Watt, JP Dash, S Bhandari, P Watt
Forest Ecology and Management 357, 1-9, 2015
Estimation of carbon stocks in New Zealand planted forests using airborne scanning LiDAR
PR Stephens, PJ Watt, D Loubser, A Haywood, MO Kimberley
International Archives of Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2007
Use of LiDAR to estimate stand characteristics for thinning operations in young Douglas-fir plantations
MS Watt, A Meredith, P Watt, A Gunn
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 43, 1-10, 2013
Development of a national model of Pinus radiata stand volume from lidar metrics for New Zealand
P Watt, MS Watt
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (16), 5892-5904, 2013
Characterising forest structure using combinations of airborne laser scanning data, RapidEye satellite imagery and environmental variables
JP Dash, MS Watt, S Bhandari, P Watt
Forestry 89 (2), 159-169, 2016
The influence of LiDAR pulse density on the precision of inventory metrics in young unthinned Douglas-fir stands during initial and subsequent LiDAR acquisitions
MS Watt, A Meredith, P Watt, A Gunn
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 44, 1-9, 2014
The influence of LiDAR pulse density and plot size on the accuracy of New Zealand plantation stand volume equations
MS Watt, T Adams, S Gonzalez Aracil, H Marshall, P Watt
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 43, 1-10, 2013
An evaluation of the use of satellite data for monitoring early development of young Sitka spruce plantation forest growth
DNM Donoghue, PJ Watt, NJ Cox, RW Dunford, J Wilson, S Stables, ...
Forestry 77 (5), 383-396, 2004
Forest parameter extraction using terrestrial laser scanning
PJ Watt, DNM Donoghue, RW Dunford
Workshop on Airborne Laser Scanning of Forests, 2003
Multi-sensor modelling of a forest productivity index for radiata pine plantations
MS Watt, JP Dash, P Watt, S Bhandari
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 46, 1-14, 2016
Quantifying the trade-off between cost and precision in estimating area of forest loss and degradation using probability sampling in Guyana
J Pickering, SV Stehman, A Tyukavina, P Potapov, P Watt, SM Jantz, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 221, 122-135, 2019
Modelling variation in Pinus radiata stem volume and outerwood stress-wave velocity from LiDAR metrics
MS Watt, T Adams, H Marshall, D Pont, J Lee, D Crawley, P Watt
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 43, 1-7, 2013
Predicting forest height from IKONOS, LANDSAT and LIDAR imagery
PJ Watt, DNM Donoghue, KB McManus, RW Dunford
Age (years) 33 (18.8), 8, 2000
An evaluation of LiDAR and optical satellite data for the measurement of structural attributes in British upland conifer plantation forestry
PJ Watt
Durham University, 2005
Applying satellite imagery for forest planning
P Watt, M Watt
New Zealand Journal of Forestry 56 (1), 23-25, 2011
Accounting for greenhouse gas emissions from forest edge degradation: Gold mining in Guyana as a case study
S Brown, ARJ Mahmood, KM Goslee, TRH Pearson, H Sukhdeo, ...
Forests 11 (12), 1307, 2020
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Articles 1–20