Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh
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Cited by
Reduction of dc voltage sources and switches in asymmetrical multilevel converters using a novel topology
E Babaei, SH Hosseini, GB Gharehpetian, MT Haque, M Sabahi
Electric Power Systems Research 77 (8), 1073-1085, 2007
Harmonic elimination of cascade multilevel inverters with nonequal DC sources using particle swarm optimization
H Taghizadeh, MT Hagh
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (11), 3678-3684, 2010
A nonisolated multiinput multioutput DC–DC boost converter for electric vehicle applications
A Nahavandi, MT Hagh, MBB Sharifian, S Danyali
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (4), 1818-1835, 2014
Harmonic minimization in multilevel inverters using modified species-based particle swarm optimization
MT Hagh, H Taghizadeh, K Razi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 24 (10), 2259-2267, 2009
Application of neural networks in power systems; a review
MT Haque, AM Kashtiban
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 1 (6), 897-901, 2007
Adaptive group search optimization algorithm for multi-objective optimal power flow problem
N Daryani, MT Hagh, S Teimourzadeh
Applied soft computing 38, 1012-1024, 2016
Applying fractional order PID to design TCSC-based damping controller in coordination with automatic generation control of interconnected multi-source power system
J Morsali, K Zare, MT Hagh
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (1), 1-17, 2017
Nonsuperconducting fault current limiter with controlling the magnitudes of fault currents
MT Hagh, M Abapour
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 24 (3), 613-619, 2009
A coordinated control approach for DC link and rotor crowbars to improve fault ride-through of DFIG-based wind turbine
AMA Haidar, KM Muttaqi, MT Hagh
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (4), 4073-4086, 2017
Fault classification and location of power transmission lines using artificial neural network
MT Hagh, K Razi, H Taghizadeh
2007 international power engineering conference (IPEC 2007), 1109-1114, 2007
Single-phase PQ theory
MT Haque
2002 IEEE 33rd Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference …, 2002
A review of fault ride through of PV and wind renewable energies in grid codes
M Tarafdar Hagh, T Khalili
International Journal of Energy Research 43 (4), 1342-1356, 2019
Effective oscillation damping of an interconnected multi-source power system with automatic generation control and TCSC
K Zare, MT Hagh, J Morsali
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 65, 220-230, 2015
Parallel-resonance-type fault current limiter
SB Naderi, M Jafari, MT Hagh
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (7), 2538-2546, 2012
Voltage sag compensation of point of common coupling (PCC) using fault current limiter
M Jafari, SB Naderi, MT Hagh, M Abapour, SH Hosseini
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 26 (4), 2638-2646, 2011
Single-phase pq theory for active filters
MT Haque
2002 IEEE Region 10 Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and …, 2002
Game theory approaches for the solution of power system problems: A comprehensive review
S Abapour, M Nazari-Heris, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, M Tarafdar Hagh
Archives of computational methods in engineering 27, 81-103, 2020
Minimizing the number of PMUs and their optimal placement in power systems
SM Mahaei, MT Hagh
Electric Power Systems Research 83 (1), 66-72, 2012
Solving non-convex economic dispatch problem with valve point effects using modified group search optimizer method
K Zare, MT Haque, E Davoodi
Electric Power Systems Research 84 (1), 83-89, 2012
Performance comparison of TCSC with TCPS and SSSC controllers in AGC of realistic interconnected multi-source power system
J Morsali, K Zare, MT Hagh
Ain shams engineering journal 7 (1), 143-158, 2016
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Articles 1–20