Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan KP, Pakistan
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Impact of high-temperature stress on rice plant and its traits related to tolerance
F Shah, J Huang, K Cui, L Nie, T Shah, C Chen, K Wang
Journal of Agricultural Science 149, 545-556, 2011
Soil and crop management strategies to ensure higher crop productivity within sustainable environments
F Shah, W Wu
Sustainability 11 (5), 1485, 2019
A biochar application protects rice pollen from high-temperature stress
S Fahad, S Hussain, S Saud, M Tanveer, AA Bajwa, S Hassan, AN Shah, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 96, 281-287, 2015
Substitution of fertilizer-N by green manure improves the sustainability of yield in double-rice cropping system in south China
Z Xie, S Tu, F Shah, C Xu, J Chen, D Han, G Liu, H Li, I Muhammad, ...
Field Crops Research 188, 142-149, 2016
Rice grain yield and component responses to near 2 C of warming
F Shah, L Nie, K Cui, T Shah, W Wu, C Chen, L Zhu, F Ali, S Fahad, ...
Field Crops Research 157, 98-110, 2014
Aerobic rice for water-saving agriculture. A review
L Nie, S Peng, M Chen, F Shah, J Huang, K Cui, J Xiang
Agronomy for sustainable development 32 (2), 411-418, 2012
Sheath blight reduces stem breaking resistance and increases lodging susceptibility of rice plants
W Wu, J Huang, K Cui, L Nie, Q Wang, F Yang, F Shah, F Yao, S Peng
Field Crops Research 128, 101-108, 2012
Response and Tolerance Mechanism of Cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. to Elevated Temperature Stress: A Review
KR Zahid, F Ali, F Shah, M Younas, T Shah, D Shahwar, W Hassan, ...
Frontiers in plant science 7, 937, 2016
Grain cadmium and zinc concentrations in maize influenced by genotypic variations and zinc fertilization
S Fahad, S Hussain, S Saud, S Hassan, D Shan, Y Chen, N Deng, F Khan, ...
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 43 (10), 1433-1440, 2015
Genetic progress in wheat yield and associated traits in China since 1945 and future prospects
W Wu, C Li, B Ma, F Shah, Y Liu, Y Liao
Euphytica 196, 155-168, 2014
Toward yield improvement of early-season rice: Other options under double rice-cropping system in central China
W Wu, L Nie, Y Liao, F Shah, K Cui, Q Wang, Y Lian, J Huang
European journal of agronomy 45, 75-86, 2013
Varietal difference in the response of rice chalkiness to temperature during ripening phase across different sowing dates
C Chen, J Huang, L Zhu, F Shah, L Nie, K Cui, S Peng
Field Crops Research 151, 85-91, 2013
Grain yield and apparent N recovery efficiency of dry direct-seeded rice under different N treatments aimed to reduce soil ammonia volatilization
X Qi, L Nie, H Liu, S Peng, F Shah, J Huang, K Cui, L Sun
Field Crops Research 134, 138-143, 2012
Ammonia Volatilization from Urea‐Application Influenced Germination and Early Seedling Growth of Dry Direct‐Seeded Rice
X Qi, W Wu, F Shah, S Peng, J Huang, K Cui, H Liu, L Nie
The Scientific World Journal 2012 (1), 857472, 2012
Allergens of Arachis hypogaea and the effect of processing on their detection by ELISA
A Iqbal, F Shah, M Hamayun, A Ahmad, A Hussain, M Waqas, SM Kang, ...
Food & Nutrition Research 60 (1), 28945, 2016
Identification of quantitative trait loci for phosphorus use efficiency traits in rice using a high density SNP map
K Wang, K Cui, G Liu, W Xie, H Yu, J Pan, J Huang, L Nie, F Shah, S Peng
BMC genetics 15, 1-15, 2014
The role of antioxidant enzymes in adaptive responses to sheath blight infestation under different fertilization rates and hill densities
W Wu, X Wan, F Shah, S Fahad, J Huang
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 502134, 2014
Physiological and biochemical changes in rice associated with high night temperature stress and their amelioration by exogenous application of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
F Shah, J Huang, K Cui, L Nie, T Shah, W Wu, K Wang, ZH Khan, L Zhu, ...
Australian Journal of Crop Science 5 (13), 1810-1816, 2011
Rice sheath blight evaluation as affected by fertilization rate and planting density
W Wu, F Shah, F Shah, J Huang
Australasian Plant Pathology 44, 183-189, 2015
Efficacy of sowing date adjustment as a management strategy to cope with rice ('Oryza sativa'L.) Seed quality deterioration due to elevated temperature
L Zhu, F Shah, L Nie, K Cui, T Shah, W Wu, Y Chen, C Chen, K Wang, ...
Australian Journal of Crop Science 7 (5), 543-549, 2013
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Articles 1–20