Anne McMaugh
Anne McMaugh
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Cited by
Educational psychology: For learning and teaching
KL Krause, S Bochner, S Duchesne, A McMaugh
Cengage Learning Australia, 2010
Educational psychology for learning and teaching
S Duchesne, A McMaugh
Cengage AU, 2015
Towards a theory of the Ecology of Reflection: Reflective practice for experiential learning in higher education
D Harvey, Marina: Coulson, A McMaugh
Journal of University Teaching and learning Practice 13 (2), 1-20, 2016
Fathers as ‘core business’ in child welfare practice and research: An interdisciplinary review
L Zanoni, W Warburton, K Bussey, A McMaugh
Children and Youth Services Review 35 (7), 1055-1070, 2013
Perceptions of primary to secondary school transitions: Challenge or threat?
E Mackenzie, A McMaugh, K O'Sullivan
Issues in educational research 22 (3), 298-314, 2012
Delivering the primary curriculum: The use of subject specialist and generalist teachers in NSW
K Ardzejewska, A McMaugh, P Coutts
Issues in Educational Research 20 (3), 203-219, 2010
En/countering disablement in school life in Australia: Children talk about peer relations and living with illness and disability
A McMaugh
Disability & Society 26 (7), 853-866, 2011
Relational aggression and prosocial behaviours in Australian preschool children
C Swit, A McMaugh
Australasian journal of early childhood 37 (3), 30-34, 2012
Adherence issues in children and adolescents receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy
M Goode, A McMaugh, J Crisp, S Wales, JB Ziegler
AIDS care 15 (3), 403-408, 2003
Teacher and parent perceptions of relational and physical aggression during early childhood
CS Swit, AL McMaugh, WA Warburton
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27, 118-130, 2018
Are all fathers in child protection families uncommitted, uninvolved and unable to change?
L Zanoni, W Warburton, K Bussey, A McMaugh
Children and Youth Services Review 41, 83-94, 2014
Preschool Children’s Beliefs About the Acceptability of Relational and Physical Aggression
C Swit, A McMaugh, W Warburton
International Journal of Early Childhood 48 (1), 111-127, 2016
The role of social media in developing young people’s health literacy
DA Dudley, P Van Bergen, A McMaugh, E Mackenzie
Young people, social media and health, 147-161, 2019
Child protection fathers' experiences of childhood, intimate partner violence and parenting
L Zanoni, W Warburton, K Bussey, A McMaugh
Children and youth services review 46, 91-102, 2014
Changes in pre-service teacher self-efficacy for teaching in relation to professional experience placements
K Ma, A McMaugh, M Cavanagh
Australian Journal of Education 66 (1), 57-72, 2022
The impact of childhood epilepsy on academic performance: A population-based matched cohort study
RP Lystad, A McMaugh, G Herkes, T Badgery-Parker, CM Cameron, ...
Seizure 99, 91-98, 2022
The impact of childhood asthma on academic performance: a matched population‐based cohort study
RJ Mitchell, A McMaugh, N Homaira, RP Lystad, T Badgery‐Parker, ...
Clinical & Experimental Allergy 52 (2), 286-296, 2022
Impact of chronic health conditions and injury on school performance and health outcomes in New South Wales, Australia: a retrospective record linkage study protocol
R Mitchell, CM Cameron, RP Lystad, O Nielssen, A McMaugh, G Herkes, ...
BMJ paediatrics open 3 (1), 2019
Just make friends, that's the most important thing!
A McMaugh, R Debus
School transition and making friends. The concerns and worries of children …, 1999
The impact of childhood injury and injury severity on school performance and high school completion in Australia: a matched population-based retrospective cohort study
RJ Mitchell, CM Cameron, A McMaugh, RP Lystad, T Badgery-Parker, ...
BMC pediatrics 21, 1-14, 2021
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