Claire Foster
Cited by
Cited by
Amphibian fungal panzootic causes catastrophic and ongoing loss of biodiversity
BC Scheele, F Pasmans, LF Skerratt, L Berger, AN Martel, W Beukema, ...
Science 363 (6434), 1459-1463, 2019
Effects of large native herbivores on other animals
CN Foster, PS Barton, DB Lindenmayer
Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (4), 929-938, 2014
Niche Contractions in Declining Species: Mechanisms and Consequences
BC Scheele, CN Foster, SC Banks, DB Lindenmayer
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32 (5), 346–355, 2017
Towards Quantifying Carrion Biomass in Ecosystems
PS Barton, MJ Evans, CN Foster, JL Pechal, JK Bump, MM Quaggiotto, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 34 (10), 950-961, 2019
Living with the enemy: Facilitating amphibian coexistence with disease
BC Scheele, CN Foster, DA Hunter, DB Lindenmayer, BR Schmidt, ...
Biological Conservation 236, 52-59, 2019
Animals as agents in fire regimes
CN Foster, SC Banks, GJ Cary, CN Johnson, DB Lindenmayer, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 35 (4), 346-356, 2020
Conservation conundrums and the challenges of managing unexplained declines of multiple species
DB Lindenmayer, J Wood, C MacGregor, C Foster, B Scheele, A Tulloch, ...
Biological Conservation 221, 279-292, 2018
Integrating theory into disturbance interaction experiments to better inform ecosystem management
CN Foster, CF Sato, DB Lindenmayer, PS Barton
Global Change Biology 22 (4), 1325–1335, 2016
The response of arboreal marsupials to long‐term changes in forest disturbance
DB Lindenmayer, W Blanchard, D Blair, L McBurney, C Taylor, ...
Animal Conservation 24 (2), 246-258, 2021
Key perspectives on early successional forests subject to stand-replacing disturbances
DB Lindenmayer, MJ Westgate, BC Scheele, CN Foster, DP Blair
Forest Ecology and Management 454, 117656, 2019
Effects of a large wildfire on vegetation structure in a variable fire mosaic
CN Foster, PS Barton, NM Robinson, CI MacGregor, DB Lindenmayer
Ecological Applications 27, 2369-2381, 2017
A novel approach to assessing the ecosystem‐wide impacts of reintroductions
CM Baker, M Bode, N Dexter, DB Lindenmayer, C Foster, C MacGregor, ...
Ecological Applications 29 (1), e01811, 2019
Effects of fire regime on plant species richness and composition differ among forest, woodland and heath vegetation
CN Foster, PS Barton, CI MacGregor, JA Catford, W Blanchard, ...
Applied Vegetation Science 21, 132-143, 2018
Herbivory and fire interact to affect forest understory habitat, but not its use by small vertebrates
CN Foster, PS Barton, CF Sato, JT Wood, CI MacGregor, DB Lindenmayer
Animal Conservation 19 (1), 15-25, 2016
Environmental and spatial drivers of spider diversity at contrasting microhabitats
P Barton, M Evans, C Foster, S Cunningham, A Manning
Austral Ecology 42 (6), 700-710, 2017
Bombs, fire and biodiversity: Vertebrate fauna occurrence in areas subject to military training
DB Lindenmayer, C MacGregor, J Wood, MJ Westgate, K Ikin, CN Foster, ...
Biological Conservation 204 (B), 276-283, 2016
Habitat amount versus connectivity: An empirical study of bird responses
DB Lindenmayer, W Blanchard, CN Foster, BC Scheele, MJ Westgate, ...
Biological Conservation 241, 108377, 2020
Tests of predictions associated with temporal changes in Australian bird populations
DB Lindenmayer, P Lane, M Westgate, BC Scheele, C Foster, C Sato, ...
Biological Conservation 222, 212-221, 2018
Save Australia's ecological research
D Lindenmayer, 68 additional authors
Science 357 (6351), 557-557, 2017
Synergistic interactions between fire and browsing drive plant diversity in a forest understorey
CN Foster, PS Barton, CF Sato, CI MacGregor, DB Lindenmayer
Journal of Vegetation Science 26 (6), 1112-1123, 2015
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Articles 1–20