Jack Katzfey
Jack Katzfey
Oceans&Atmosphere/Climate Science Centre
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Climate phenomena and their relevance for future regional climate change
JH Christensen, KK Kanikicharla, E Aldrian, SI An, IFA Cavalcanti, ...
Climate change 2013 the physical science basis: Working group I contribution …, 2013
Projections of rapidly rising surface temperatures over Africa under low mitigation
F Engelbrecht, J Adegoke, MJ Bopape, M Naidoo, R Garland, M Thatcher, ...
Environmental Research Letters 10 (8), 085004, 2015
Future global meteorological drought hot spots: a study based on CORDEX data
J Spinoni, P Barbosa, E Bucchignani, J Cassano, T Cavazos, ...
Journal of Climate 33 (9), 3635-3661, 2020
The life cycle of a cyclone wave in the Southern Hemisphere. Part I: Eddy energy budget
I Orlanski, J Katzfey
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 48 (17), 1972-1998, 1991
Project to intercompare regional climate simulations (PIRCS): description and initial results
ES Takle, WJ Gutowski Jr, RW Arritt, Z Pan, CJ Anderson, RR da Silva, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D16), 19443-19461, 1999
A scheme for calculation of the liquid fraction in mixed-phase stratiform clouds in large-scale models
LD Rotstayn, BF Ryan, JJ Katzfey
Monthly weather review 128 (4), 1070-1088, 2000
Global dynamical projections of surface ocean wave climate for a future high greenhouse gas emission scenario
MA Hemer, J Katzfey, CE Trenham
Ocean Modelling 70, 221-245, 2013
Relevance of sub-grid-scale land-use effects for mesoscale models
KH Schlünzen, JJ Katzfey
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 55 (3), 232-246, 2003
Performance of an empirical bias-correction of a high-resolution climate dataset.
JC Bennett, MR Grose, SP Corney, CJ White, GK Holz, JJ Katzfey, ...
International Journal of Climatology 34 (7), 2014
Climate Futures for Tasmania: climate modelling technical report
SP Corney, JJ Katzfey, JL McGregor, MR Grose, JC Bennett, CJ White, ...
Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Hobart, Tasmania, 2010
Hydrological processes in regional climate model simulations of the central United States flood of June–July 1993
CJ Anderson, RW Arritt, Z Pan, ES Takle, WJ Gutowski Jr, FO Otieno, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 4 (3), 584-598, 2003
The impact of climate change on the poleward movement of tropical cyclone–like vortices in a regional climate model
KJE Walsh, JJ Katzfey
Journal of Climate 13 (6), 1116-1132, 2000
Evaluating reanalysis-driven CORDEX regional climate models over Australia: model performance and errors
G Di Virgilio, JP Evans, A Di Luca, R Olson, D Argüeso, J Kala, J Andrys, ...
Climate Dynamics 53, 2985-3005, 2019
Seasonal and regional signature of the projected southern Australian rainfall reduction
P Hope, MR Grose, B Timbal, AJ Dowdy, J Bhend, JJ Katzfey, T Bedin, ...
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal 65 (1), 54-71, 2015
Precipitation in marine cumulus and stratocumulus.: Part I: Thermodynamic and dynamic observations of closed cell circulations and cumulus bands
JB Jensen, S Lee, PB Krummel, J Katzfey, D Gogoasa
Atmospheric Research 54 (2-3), 117-155, 2000
Historical and future seasonal rainfall variability in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia: Implications for the agriculture and water sectors
DGC Kirono, JRA Butler, JL McGregor, A Ripaldi, J Katzfey, K Nguyen
Climate Risk Management 12, 45-58, 2016
Dynamical downscaling techniques: impacts on regional climate change signals
JJ Katzfey, JL McGregor, KC Nguyen, M Thatcher
18th World IMACS congress and MODSIM09 international congress on modelling …, 2009
Global exposure of population and land‐use to meteorological droughts under different warming levels and SSPs: a CORDEX‐based study
J Spinoni, P Barbosa, E Bucchignani, J Cassano, T Cavazos, A Cescatti, ...
International Journal of Climatology 41 (15), 6825-6853, 2021
On regional dynamical downscaling for the assessment and projection of temperature and precipitation extremes across Tasmania, Australia
CJ White, KL McInnes, RP Cechet, SP Corney, MR Grose, GK Holz, ...
Climate dynamics 41, 3145-3165, 2013
Simulation of extreme New Zealand precipitation events. Part I: Sensitivity to orography and resolution
JJ Katzfey
Monthly Weather Review 123 (3), 737-754, 1995
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Articles 1–20