Shuchao Pang
Shuchao Pang
University of New South Wales
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Cited by
A novel end-to-end classifier using domain transferred deep convolutional neural networks for biomedical images
S Pang, Z Yu, MA Orgun
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 140, 283-293, 2017
A novel fused convolutional neural network for biomedical image classification
S Pang, A Du, MA Orgun, Z Yu
Medical & biological engineering & computing 57, 107-121, 2019
Deep learning to frame objects for visual target tracking
S Pang, JJ del Coz, Z Yu, O Luaces, J Díez
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 65, 406-420, 2017
CTumorGAN: a unified framework for automatic computed tomography tumor segmentation
S Pang, A Du, MA Orgun, Z Yu, Y Wang, Y Wang, G Liu
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 47, 2248-2268, 2020
Tumor attention networks: Better feature selection, better tumor segmentation
S Pang, A Du, MA Orgun, Y Wang, Z Yu
Neural Networks 140, 203-222, 2021
A novel biomedical image indexing and retrieval system via deep preference learning
S Pang, MA Orgun, Z Yu
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 158, 53-69, 2018
Incremental graph regulated nonnegative matrix factorization for face recognition
ZZ Yu, YH Liu, B Li, SC Pang, CC Jia
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2014 (1), 928051, 2014
Beyond CNNs: exploiting further inherent symmetries in medical image segmentation
S Pang, A Du, MA Orgun, Y Wang, QZ Sheng, S Wang, X Huang, Z Yu
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 53 (11), 6776-6787, 2022
Deep learning and preference learning for object tracking: a combined approach
S Pang, JJ Del Coz, Z Yu, O Luaces, J Díez
Neural Processing Letters 47, 859-876, 2018
Fast and accurate lung tumor spotting and segmentation for boundary delineation on CT slices in a coarse-to-fine framework
S Pang, A Du, X He, J Díez, MA Orgun
Neural Information Processing: 26th International Conference, ICONIP 2019 …, 2019
Tgnet: A task-guided network architecture for multi-organ and tumour segmentation from partially labelled datasets
H Wu, S Pang, A Sowmya
2022 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1-5, 2022
Training radiomics-based CNNs for clinical outcome prediction: Challenges, strategies and findings
S Pang, M Field, J Dowling, S Vinod, L Holloway, A Sowmya
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 123, 102230, 2022
Weakly supervised learning for image keypoint matching using graph convolutional networks
S Pang, A Du, MA Orgun, H Chen
Knowledge-Based Systems 197, 105871, 2020
Uniads: Universal architecture-distiller search for distillation gap
L Lu, Z Chen, X Lu, Y Rao, L Li, S Pang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (13), 14167 …, 2024
Face recognition: a novel deep learning approach
SC Pang, ZZ Yu
Journal of Optical Technology 82 (4), 237-245, 2015
Combining deep learning and preference learning for object tracking
S Pang, JJ Del Coz, Z Yu, O Luaces, J Díez
International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 70-77, 2016
2D medical image segmentation via learning multi-scale contextual dependencies
S Pang, A Du, Z Yu, MA Orgun
Methods 202, 40-53, 2022
Exploring long-short-term context for point cloud semantic segmentation
A Du, S Pang, X Huang, J Zhang, Q Wu
2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2755-2759, 2020
Correlation matters: multi-scale fine-grained contextual information extraction for hepatic tumor segmentation
S Pang, A Du, Z Yu, MA Orgun
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 24th Pacific-Asia …, 2020
An end-to-end weakly supervised learning framework for cancer subtype classification using histopathological slides
H Zhou, H Chen, B Yu, S Pang, X Cong, L Cong
Expert Systems with Applications 237, 121379, 2024
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Articles 1–20