The effects of different thermal treatments and organic acid levels in feed on microbial composition and activity in gastrointestinal tract of broilers. W Vahjen, A Mader, F Knorr, I Ruhnke, I Röhe, A Hafeez, C Villodre, ... Poultry Science 93 (6), 1440-1452, 2014 | 137 | 2014 |
The impacts of Ascaridia galli on performance, health, and immune responses of laying hens: new insights into an old problem N Sharma, PW Hunt, BC Hine, I Ruhnke Poultry Science 98 (12), 6517-6526, 2019 | 98 | 2019 |
Impact of on-range choice feeding with black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) on flock performance, egg quality, and range use of free-range laying hens I Ruhnke, C Normant, DLM Campbell, Z Iqbal, C Lee, GN Hinch, ... Animal nutrition 4 (4), 452-460, 2018 | 91 | 2018 |
Black soldier fly larvae in broiler diets improve broiler performance and modulate the immune system J de Souza Vilela, NM Andronicos, M Kolakshyapati, M Hilliar, ... Animal Nutrition 7 (3), 695-706, 2021 | 84 | 2021 |
Global and regional prevalence of helminth infection in chickens over time: a systematic review and meta-analysis A Shifaw, T Feyera, SW Walkden-Brown, B Sharpe, T Elliott, I Ruhnke Poultry Science 100 (5), 101082, 2021 | 81 | 2021 |
Nutrition, feeding and laying hen welfare WL Bryden, X Li, I Ruhnke, D Zhang, S Shini Animal Production Science 61 (10), 893-914, 2021 | 69 | 2021 |
Insect protein in animal nutrition J de Souza-Vilela, NR Andrew, I Ruhnke Animal Production Science 59 (11), 2029-2036, 2019 | 62 | 2019 |
Effects of grinding method, particle size, and physical form of the diet on gastrointestinal morphology and jejunal glucose transport in laying hens I Röhe, I Ruhnke, F Knorr, A Mader, FG Boroojeni, R Löwe, J Zentek Poultry Science 93 (8), 2060-2068, 2014 | 58 | 2014 |
Demographics and practices of semi-intensive free-range farming systems in Australia with an outdoor stocking density of≤ 1500 hens/hectare M Singh, I Ruhnke, C De Koning, K Drake, AG Skerman, GN Hinch, ... PLoS One 12 (10), e0187057, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
The effects of particle size, milling method, and thermal treatment of feed on performance, apparent ileal digestibility, and pH of the digesta in laying hens I Ruhnke, I Röhe, C Krämer, FG Boroojeni, F Knorr, A Mader, E Schulze, ... Poultry Science 94 (4), 692-699, 2015 | 55 | 2015 |
Technological quality, amino acid and fatty acid profile of broiler meat enhanced by dietary inclusion of black soldier fly larvae J de Souza Vilela, TIRC Alvarenga, NR Andrew, M McPhee, ... Foods 10 (2), 297, 2021 | 51 | 2021 |
Development and analytical validation of a radioimmunoassay for the measurement of alpha1-proteinase inhibitor concentrations in feces from healthy puppies … RM Heilmann, CG Paddock, I Ruhnke, N Berghoff, JS Suchodolski, ... Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 23 (3), 476-485, 2011 | 44 | 2011 |
The influence of light of different wavelengths on laying hen production and egg quality A England, I Ruhnke World's Poultry Science Journal 76 (3), 443-458, 2020 | 39 | 2020 |
Feed supplemented with organic acids does not affect starch digestibility, nor intestinal absorptive or secretory function in broiler chickens I Ruhnke, I Röhe, F Goodarzi Boroojeni, F Knorr, A Mader, A Hafeez, ... Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition 99, 29-35, 2015 | 37 | 2015 |
Various bone parameters are positively correlated with hen body weight while range access has no beneficial effect on tibia health of free-range layers M Kolakshyapati, RJ Flavel, TZ Sibanda, D Schneider, MC Welch, ... Poultry Science 98 (12), 6241-6250, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
Immune responses following experimental infection with Ascaridia galli and necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens I Ruhnke, NM Andronicos, RA Swick, B Hine, N Sharma, SK Kheravii, ... Avian pathology 46 (6), 602-609, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
The effects of different thermal treatments and organic acid levels on nutrient digestibility in broilers FG Boroojeni, A Mader, F Knorr, I Ruhnke, I Röhe, A Hafeez, K Männer, ... Poultry Science 93 (5), 1159-1171, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Detection of Ascaridia galli infection in free-range laying hens N Sharma, PW Hunt, BC Hine, NK Sharma, RA Swick, I Ruhnke Veterinary parasitology 256, 9-15, 2018 | 32 | 2018 |
Feasibility of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in healthy cats T Spillmann, MD Willard, I Ruhnke, JS Suchodolski, JM Steiner Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 55 (1), 85-91, 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
Effect of pecking stones and age on feather cover, hen mortality, and performance in free-range laying hens Z Iqbal, K Drake, RA Swick, PS Taylor, RA Perez-Maldonado, I Ruhnke Poultry science 99 (5), 2307-2314, 2020 | 30 | 2020 |