James B Mehl
James B Mehl
University of Delaware, Emeritus Professor of Physics
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Measurement of the Universal Gas Constant Using a Spherical Acoustic Resonator
MR Moldover, JPM Trusler, TJ Edwards, JB Mehl, RS Davis
Physical review letters 60 (4), 249, 1988
Effects of adiabatic, relativistic, and quantum electrodynamics interactions on the pair potential and thermophysical properties of helium
W Cencek, M Przybytek, J Komasa, JB Mehl, B Jeziorski, K Szalewicz
The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (22), 2012
Gas‐filled spherical resonators: Theory and experiment
MR Moldover, JB Mehl, M Greenspan
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 79 (2), 253-272, 1986
Acoustic gas thermometry
MR Moldover, RM Gavioso, JB Mehl, L Pitre, M de Podesta, JT Zhang
Metrologia 51 (1), R1, 2014
Potential energy surface for interactions between two hydrogen molecules
K Patkowski, W Cencek, P Jankowski, K Szalewicz, JB Mehl, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 129 (9), 2008
4He thermophysical properties: new ab initio calculations
JJ Hurly, JB Mehl
Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology …, 2007
Precision acoustic measurements with a spherical resonator: Ar and C2H4
JB Mehl, MR Moldover
The Journal of Chemical Physics 74 (7), 4062-4077, 1981
Quasi-spherical cavity resonators for metrology based on the relative dielectric permittivity of gases
EF May, L Pitre, JB Mehl, MR Moldover, JW Schmidt
Review of scientific instruments 75 (10), 3307-3317, 2004
Designing quasi-spherical resonators for acoustic thermometry
JB Mehl, MR Moldover, L Pitre
Metrologia 41 (4), 295, 2004
Analysis of resonance standing‐wave measurements
JB Mehl
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 64 (5), 1523-1525, 1978
Spherical acoustic resonator: effects of shell motion
JB Mehl
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 78 (2), 782-788, 1985
Measurement of the ratio of the speed of sound to the speed of light
JB Mehl, MR Moldover
Physical Review A 34 (4), 3341, 1986
Precondensation phenomena in acoustic measurements
JB Mehl, MR Moldover
The Journal of Chemical Physics 77 (1), 455-465, 1982
New measurement of the Boltzmann constant k by acoustic thermometry of helium-4 gas
L Pitre, F Sparasci, L Risegari, C Guianvarc’h, C Martin, ME Himbert, ...
Metrologia 54 (6), 856, 2017
The viscosity of seven gases measured with a greenspan viscometer
JJ Hurly, KA Gillis, JB Mehl, MR Moldover
International Journal of Thermophysics 24, 1441-1474, 2003
Gas-coupled laser acoustic detection
JN Caron, JB Mehl, KV Steiner
US Patent 6,041,020, 2000
Acoustic resonance frequencies of deformed spherical resonators
JB Mehl
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 71 (5), 1109-1113, 1982
Flow of superfluid helium in a porous medium
JB Mehl, W Zimmermann Jr
Physical Review 167 (1), 214, 1968
Second-order electromagnetic eigenfrequencies of a triaxial ellipsoid
JB Mehl
Metrologia 46 (5), 554, 2009
Acoustic resonance frequencies of deformed spherical resonators. II
JB Mehl
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 79 (2), 278-285, 1986
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