Leah Barclay
Cited by
Cited by
It's time to listen: there is much to be learned from the sounds of tropical ecosystems
JL Deichmann, O Acevedo‐Charry, L Barclay, Z Burivalova, ...
Biotropica 50 (5), 713-718, 2018
Freshwater ecoacoustics as a tool for continuous ecosystem monitoring
S Linke, T Gifford, C Desjonquères, D Tonolla, T Aubin, L Barclay, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16 (4), 231-238, 2018
Acoustic ecology and ecological sound art: Listening to changing ecosystems
L Barclay
Sound, Media, Ecology, 153-177, 2019
Sonic ecologies: Exploring the agency of soundscapes in ecological crisis
L Barclay
Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology 12 (1), 29-32, 2013
Biosphere soundscapes
L Barclay
Leonardo 47 (5), 496-497, 2014
Interdisciplinary approaches to freshwater ecoacoustics
L Barclay, T Gifford, S Linke
Freshwater Science 39 (2), 356-361, 2020
Listening to communities and environments
L Barclay
Contemporary music review 36 (3), 143-158, 2017
Integrating music and sound into efforts to advance the sustainable development goals in the Asia-Pacific: case studies from Indonesia, Vanuatu and Australia
C Grant, BL Bartleet, L Barclay, J Lamont, S Sur
International Journal of Cultural Policy 28 (4), 499-512, 2022
River listening: Acoustic ecology and aquatic bioacoustics in global river systems
L Barclay, T Gifford, S Linke
Leonardo 51 (03), 298-299, 2018
River listening
L Barclay
Environmental Sound Artists: In Their Own Words, 69-76, 2016
Listening to Country: a prison pilot project that connects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women on remand to Country
E Marchetti, S Woodland, V Saunders, L Barclay, B Beetson
Current Issues in Criminal Justice 34 (2), 155-170, 2022
Augmenting urban space with environmental soundscapes and mobile technologies
L Barclay
Soundscape: the journal of acoustic ecology 16, 21-34, 2017
Acoustic ecology in UNESCO biosphere reserves
L Barclay, T Gifford
International Journal of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves 1 (1), 23-65, 2017
Listening to Country: Exploring the value of acoustic ecology with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in prison
S Woodland, V Suanders, B Beetson, L Barclay
Soundscape: the journal of acoustic ecology 17, 41-44, 2019
The art and science of recording the environment
L Barclay, T Gifford
Leonardo 51 (2), 184-184, 2018
River Soundscapes: Ecological Perspectives in the Music of Annea Lockwood, Eve Beglarian, and Leah Barclay
J Richardson
Arizona State University, 2012
Continuous monitoring of freshwater environments using underwater passive acoustics
S Linke, T Gifford, C Desjonquères, D Tonolla, T Aubin, L Barclay, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16 (4), 231-238, 2018
The Listenn Project: Acoustic Ecology as a Tool for Remediating Environmental Awareness
G Paine, L Barclay, S Feisst, D Gilfillan
Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA2015 …, 2015
Sonic ecologies: Environmental electroacoustic music composition in cultural immersion
L Barclay
Griffith University, 2014
Freshwater ecoacoustics—a new addition to the limnologists’ methods toolkit
S Linke, C Desjonqueres, T Gifford, L Barclay
Encyclopedia of inland waters, 657-666, 2022
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Articles 1–20