Roland Gamsjaeger
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Sticky fingers: zinc-fingers as protein-recognition motifs
R Gamsjaeger, CK Liew, FE Loughlin, M Crossley, JP Mackay
Trends in biochemical sciences 32 (2), 63-70, 2007
Bromodomain protein Brd3 associates with acetylated GATA1 to promote its chromatin occupancy at erythroid target genes
JM Lamonica, W Deng, S Kadauke, AE Campbell, R Gamsjaeger, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (22), E159-E168, 2011
Single-molecule imaging of L-type Ca 2+ channels in live cells
GS Harms, L Cognet, PHM Lommerse, GA Blab, H Kahr, R Gamsjäger, ...
Biophysical Journal 81 (5), 2639-2646, 2001
Structural basis and specificity of acetylated transcription factor GATA1 recognition by BET family bromodomain protein Brd3
R Gamsjaeger, SR Webb, JM Lamonica, A Billin, GA Blobel, JP Mackay
Molecular and cellular biology 31 (13), 2632-2640, 2011
The structural analysis of protein–protein interactions by NMR spectroscopy
MR O'Connell, R Gamsjaeger, JP Mackay
Proteomics 9 (23), 5224-5232, 2009
The zinc fingers of the SR-like protein ZRANB2 are single-stranded RNA-binding domains that recognize 5′ splice site-like sequences
FE Loughlin, RE Mansfield, PM Vaz, AP McGrath, S Setiyaputra, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (14), 5581-5586, 2009
A dynamic pharmacophore drives the interaction between psalmotoxin-1 and the putative drug target acid-sensing ion channel 1a
NJ Saez, M Mobli, M Bieri, IR Chassagnon, AK Malde, R Gamsjaeger, ...
Molecular Pharmacology 80 (5), 796-808, 2011
Ca (2+) sensors of L-type Ca (2+) channel.
C Romanin, R Gamsjaeger, H Kahr, D Schaufler, O Carlson, ...
FEBS letters 487 (2), 301-306, 2000
Structural basis of simultaneous recruitment of the transcriptional regulators LMO2 and FOG1/ZFPM1 by the transcription factor GATA1
L Wilkinson-White, R Gamsjaeger, S Dastmalchi, B Wienert, PH Stokes, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (35), 14443-14448, 2011
Membrane binding of β2-glycoprotein I can be described by a two-state reaction model: an atomic force microscopy and surface plasmon resonance study
R Gamsjaeger, A Johs, A Gries, HJ Gruber, C Romanin, R Prassl, ...
Biochemical Journal 389 (3), 665-673, 2005
The BRD3 ET domain recognizes a short peptide motif through a mechanism that is conserved across chromatin remodelers and transcriptional regulators
DCC Wai, TN Szyszka, AE Campbell, C Kwong, LE Wilkinson-White, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 293 (19), 7160-7175, 2018
hSSB1 (NABP2/OBFC2B) is required for the repair of 8-oxo-guanine by the hOGG1-mediated base excision repair pathway
N Paquet, MN Adams, V Leong, NW Ashton, C Touma, R Gamsjaeger, ...
Nucleic acids research 43 (18), 8817-8829, 2015
Oriented Binding of the His6-Tagged Carboxyl-Tail of the L-type Ca2+ Channel α1-Subunit to a New NTA-Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayer
R Gamsjaeger, B Wimmer, H Kahr, A Tinazli, S Picuric, S Lata, R Tampé, ...
Langmuir 20 (14), 5885-5890, 2004
hSSB1 (NABP2/OBFC2B) is regulated by oxidative stress
N Paquet, MN Adams, NW Ashton, C Touma, R Gamsjaeger, L Cubeddu, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 27446, 2016
Human single-stranded DNA binding protein 1 (hSSB1, OBFC2B), a critical component of the DNA damage response
LV Croft, E Bolderson, MN Adams, S El-Kamand, R Kariawasam, ...
Seminars in cell & developmental biology 86, 121-128, 2019
The structural basis of DNA binding by the single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Sulfolobus solfataricus
R Gamsjaeger, R Kariawasam, AX Gimenez, C Touma, E McIlwain, ...
Biochemical Journal 465 (2), 337-346, 2015
A distinct ssDNA/RNA binding interface in the Nsp9 protein from SARS‐CoV‐2
S El‐Kamand, MD Du Plessis, N Breen, L Johnson, S Beard, AH Kwan, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 90 (1), 176-185, 2022
Structural and biophysical analysis of the DNA binding properties of myelin transcription factor 1
R Gamsjaeger, MK Swanton, FJ Kobus, E Lehtomaki, JA Lowry, AH Kwan, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (8), 5158-5167, 2008
A structural analysis of DNA binding by hSSB1 (NABP2/OBFC2B) in solution
C Touma, R Kariawasam, AX Gimenez, RE Bernardo, NW Ashton, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (16), 7963-7973, 2016
The binding of syndapin SH3 domain to dynamin proline-rich domain involves short and long distance elements
L Luo, J Xue, A Kwan, R Gamsjaeger, J Wielens, L von Kleist, L Cubeddu, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 291 (18), 9411-9424, 2016
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Articles 1–20