James Jin Kang
Cited by
Cited by
Classification of Skin Disease Using Deep Learning Neural Networks with MobileNet V2 and LSTM
PN Srinivasu, JG SivaSai, MF Ijaz, AK Bhoi, W Kim, JJ Kang
Sensors 21 (8), 2852, 2021
A comprehensive review on machine learning in healthcare industry: classification, restrictions, opportunities and challenges
Q An, S Rahman, J Zhou, JJ Kang
Sensors 23 (9), 4178, 2023
A review of security protocols in mHealth wireless body area networks (WBAN)
J Kang, S Adibi
Future Network Systems and Security: First International Conference, FNSS …, 2015
No Soldiers Left Behind: An IoT-based Low-Power Military Mobile Health System Design
JJ Kang
IEEE Access 8 (, 1-18, 2020
DoS/DDoS-MQTT-IoT: A dataset for evaluating intrusions in IoT networks using the MQTT protocol
A Alatram, LF Sikos, M Johnstone, P Szewczyk, JJ Kang
Computer Networks 231, 109809, 2023
Hybrid routing for Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack detection in IoT networks
JJ Kang, K Fahd, S Venkatraman, R Trujillo-Rasua, P Haskell-Dowland
2019 29th International Telecommunication Networks and Applications …, 2019
MalBoT-DRL: Malware botnet detection using deep reinforcement learning in IoT networks
M Al-Fawa’reh, J Abu-Khalaf, P Szewczyk, JJ Kang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023
A linear convolution-based cancelable fingerprint biometric authentication system
W Yang, S Wang, JJ Kang, MN Johnstone, A Bedari
Computers & Security 114, 102583, 2022
Predictive data mining for converged Internet of Things: A mobile health perspective
JJ Kang, S Adibi, H Larkin, T Luan
2015 International telecommunication networks and applications conference …, 2015
Secure fingerprint authentication with homomorphic encryption
W Yang, S Wang, K Yu, JJ Kang, MN Johnstone
2020 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 1-6, 2020
An inference system framework for personal sensor devices in mobile health and internet of things networks
J Kang
Deakin University, 2017
An Energy-Efficient and Secure Data Inference Framework for Internet of Health Things: A Pilot Study
JJ Kang
Sensors 21 (, 312, 2021
Systematic Analysis of Security Implementation for Internet of Health Things in Mobile Health Networks
JJ Kang
Data Science in Cybersecurity and Cyberthreat Intelligence, pp 87-113, 2020
Intelligent Personal Health Devices Converged with Internet of Things Networks
JJ Kang, H Larkin
Journal of Mobile Multimedia 12 (3&4), 197-212, 2017
Application of an Emergency Alarm System for Physiological Sensors Utilizing Smart Devices
J Kang, H Larkin
MDPI technologies 5 (2), 2017
Data processing of physiological sensor data and alarm determination utilising activity recognition
JJ Kang, T Luan, H Larkin
Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. Appl 2 (1), 108-131, 2016
Inference of personal sensors in the internet of things
JJ Kang, H Larkin
International Journal of Information, Communication Technology and …, 2016
Enhancement of sensor data transmission by inference and efficient data processing
JJ Kang, TH Luan, H Larkin
Applications and Techniques in Information Security: 6th International …, 2016
A Privacy-Preserving Data Inference Framework for Internet of Health Things Networks
JJ Kang, M Dibaei, G Luo, W Yang, X Zheng
The 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2021
Trusted time-based verification model for automatic man-in-the-middle attack detection in cybersecurity
JJ Kang, K Fahd, S Venkatraman
Cryptography 2 (4), 38, 2018
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Articles 1–20