Gordon Wyeth
Gordon Wyeth
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SeqSLAM: Visual route-based navigation for sunny summer days and stormy winter nights
MJ Milford, GF Wyeth
2012 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 1643-1649, 2012
RatSLAM: a hippocampal model for simultaneous localization and mapping
MJ Milford, GF Wyeth, D Prasser
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Mapping a suburb with a single camera using a biologically inspired SLAM system
MJ Milford, GF Wyeth
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24 (5), 1038-1053, 2008
Persistent navigation and mapping using a biologically inspired SLAM system
M Milford, G Wyeth
The International Journal of Robotics Research 29 (9), 1131-1153, 2010
FAB-MAP+ RatSLAM: Appearance-based SLAM for multiple times of day
AJ Glover, WP Maddern, MJ Milford, GF Wyeth
2010 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 3507-3512, 2010
OpenFABMAP: An open source toolbox for appearance-based loop closure detection
A Glover, W Maddern, M Warren, S Reid, M Milford, G Wyeth
2012 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 4730-4735, 2012
Place categorization and semantic mapping on a mobile robot
N Sünderhauf, F Dayoub, S McMahon, B Talbot, R Schulz, P Corke, ...
2016 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 5729-5736, 2016
Vision‐based obstacle detection and navigation for an agricultural robot
D Ball, B Upcroft, G Wyeth, P Corke, A English, P Ross, T Patten, R Fitch, ...
Journal of field robotics 33 (8), 1107-1130, 2016
OpenRatSLAM: an open source brain-based SLAM system
D Ball, S Heath, J Wiles, G Wyeth, P Corke, M Milford
Autonomous Robots 34, 149-176, 2013
CAT-SLAM: probabilistic localisation and mapping using a continuous appearance-based trajectory
W Maddern, M Milford, G Wyeth
The International Journal of Robotics Research 31 (4), 429-451, 2012
Control issues for velocity sourced series elastic actuators
G Wyeth
Proceedings of the 2006 Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1-6, 2006
Electronic blocks: Tangible programming elements for preschoolers
P Wyeth, GF Wyeth
IOC Press 1, 496-503, 2001
Demonstrating the safety and performance of a velocity sourced series elastic actuator
G Wyeth
2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3642-3647, 2008
Single camera vision-only SLAM on a suburban road network
MJ Milford, GF Wyeth
2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3684-3689, 2008
Robotics for sustainable broad-acre agriculture
D Ball, P Ross, A English, T Patten, B Upcroft, R Fitch, S Sukkarieh, ...
Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 9th International Conference, 439-453, 2015
Autonomous helicopter hover using an artificial neural network
G Buskey, G Wyeth, J Roberts
Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2001
Solving navigational uncertainty using grid cells on robots
MJ Milford, J Wiles, GF Wyeth
PLoS computational biology 6 (11), e1000995, 2010
Spatial cognition for robots
G Wyeth, M Milford
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 16 (3), 24-32, 2009
Geometrically consistent plane extraction for dense indoor 3D maps segmentation
TT Pham, M Eich, I Reid, G Wyeth
2016 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2016
Maintaining a cognitive map in darkness: the need to fuse boundary knowledge with path integration
A Cheung, D Ball, M Milford, G Wyeth, J Wiles
Public Library of Science 8 (8), e1002651, 2012
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Articles 1–20