Amy L Daitch
Amy L Daitch
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Frequency-specific mechanism links human brain networks for spatial attention
AL Daitch, M Sharma, JL Roland, SV Astafiev, DT Bundy, CM Gaona, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (48), 19585-19590, 2013
Intracranial electrophysiology of the human default network
KCR Fox, BL Foster, A Kucyi, AL Daitch, J Parvizi
Trends in cognitive sciences 22 (4), 307-324, 2018
Electrophysiological dynamics of antagonistic brain networks reflect attentional fluctuations
A Kucyi, A Daitch, O Raccah, B Zhao, C Zhang, M Esterman, M Zeineh, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 325, 2020
Mapping human temporal and parietal neuronal population activity and functional coupling during mathematical cognition
AL Daitch, BL Foster, J Schrouff, V Rangarajan, I Kaşikçi, S Gattas, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (46), E7277-E7286, 2016
Characterization of the effects of the human dura on macro-and micro-electrocorticographic recordings
DT Bundy, E Zellmer, CM Gaona, M Sharma, N Szrama, C Hacker, ...
Journal of neural engineering 11 (1), 016006, 2014
Decoding covert spatial attention using electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals in humans
A Gunduz, P Brunner, A Daitch, EC Leuthardt, AL Ritaccio, B Pesaran, ...
Neuroimage 60 (4), 2285-2293, 2012
Real-time detection of COVID-19 epicenters within the United States using a network of smart thermometers
SD Chamberlain, I Singh, C Ariza, A Daitch, P Philips, BD Dalziel
MedRxiv, 2020.04. 06.20039909, 2020
Neural correlates of visual–spatial attention in electrocorticographic signals in humans
A Gunduz, P Brunner, A Daitch, EC Leuthardt, AL Ritaccio, B Pesaran, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 5, 89, 2011
Electrocorticographic evidence of a common neurocognitive sequence for mentalizing about the self and others
KM Tan, AL Daitch, P Pinheiro-Chagas, KCR Fox, J Parvizi, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1919, 2022
Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of neural responses in human posteromedial cortex
AL Daitch, J Parvizi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (18), 4785-4790, 2018
Distinct phase-amplitude couplings distinguish cognitive processes in human attention
RV Chacko, B Kim, SW Jung, AL Daitch, JL Roland, NV Metcalf, ...
NeuroImage 175, 111-121, 2018
Brain mechanisms of arithmetic: a crucial role for ventral temporal cortex
P Pinheiro-Chagas, A Daitch, J Parvizi, S Dehaene
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 30 (12), 1757-1772, 2018
Direct cortical recordings suggest temporal order of task-evoked responses in human dorsal attention and default networks
O Raccah, AL Daitch, A Kucyi, J Parvizi
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (48), 10305-10313, 2018
Fast temporal dynamics and causal relevance of face processing in the human temporal cortex
J Schrouff, O Raccah, S Baek, V Rangarajan, S Salehi, J Mourão-Miranda, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 656, 2020
Environmental experience within and across testing days determines the strength of human visuomotor adaptation
JA Semrau, AL Daitch, KA Thoroughman
Experimental brain research 216, 409-418, 2012
Neuronal population responses in the human ventral temporal and lateral parietal cortex during arithmetic processing with digits and number words
S Baek, AL Daitch, P Pinheiro-Chagas, J Parvizi
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 30 (9), 1315-1322, 2018
Kasçikç i, I., Gattas, S., and Parvizi, J.(2016). Mapping human temporal and parietal neuronal population activity and functional coupling during mathematical cognition
AL Daitch, BL Foster, J Schrouff, V Rangarajan
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113, E7277-E7286, 0
Human electrocorticography reveals a common neurocognitive pathway for mentalizing about the self and others
K Tan, A Daitch, P Pinheiro-Chagas, K Fox, J Parvizi, M Lieberman
Anticorrelated inter-network electrophysiological activity varies dynamically with attentional performance and behavioral states
A Kucyi, A Daitch, O Raccah, B Zhao, C Zhang, M Esterman, M Zeineh, ...
BioRxiv, 503193, 2018
Spatiotemporal dynamics of successive activations across the human brain during simple arithmetic processing
P Pinheiro-Chagas, C Sava-Segal, S Akkol, A Daitch, J Parvizi
Journal of Neuroscience 44 (17), 2024
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Articles 1–20