Georgine Szipl, PhD
Georgine Szipl, PhD
Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education (IGDORE)
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Ravens Intervene in Others’ Bonding Attempts
JJM Massen, G Szipl, M Spreafico, T Bugnyar
Current Biology 24 (22), 2733-2736, 2014
You sound familiar: carrion crows can differentiate between the calls of known and unknown heterospecifics
CAF Wascher, G Szipl, M Boeckle, A Wilkinson
Animal cognition 15, 1015-1019, 2012
Who wants food? Individual characteristics in raven yells
M Boeckle, G Szipl, T Bugnyar
Animal behaviour 84 (5), 1123-1130, 2012
With whom to dine? Ravens' responses to food-associated calls depend on individual characteristics of the caller
G Szipl, M Boeckle, CAF Wascher, M Spreafico, T Bugnyar
Animal Behaviour 99, 33-42, 2015
Hierarchical decision‐making balances current and future reproductive success
E Ringler, G Szipl, RJ Harrigan, P Bartl‐Binder, R Mangione, M Ringler
Molecular ecology 27 (9), 2289-2301, 2018
Attacked ravens flexibly adjust signalling behaviour according to audience composition
G Szipl, E Ringler, T Bugnyar
Proc. R. Soc. B 285 (1880), 20180375, 2018
Calls during agonistic interactions vary with arousal and raise audience attention in ravens
G Szipl, E Ringler, M Spreafico, T Bugnyar
Frontiers in Zoology 14 (1), 57, 2017
Acoustic ranging in poison frogs—it is not about signal amplitude alone
M Ringler, G Szipl, W Hödl, L Khil, B Kofler, M Lonauer, C Provin, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71 (8), 114, 2017
Costs and benefits of social connectivity in juvenile Greylag geese
G Szipl, M Depenau, K Kotrschal, J Hemetsberger, D Frigerio
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 12839, 2019
Raven food calls indicate sender’s age and sex
M Boeckle, G Szipl, T Bugnyar
Frontiers in Zoology 15 (1), 5, 2018
Food calling in wild ravens (Corvus corax) revisited: Who is addressed?
J Sierro, MC Loretto, G Szipl, JJM Massen, T Bugnyar
Ethology, 0
Territorial raven pairs are sensitive to structural changes in simulated acoustic displays of conspecifics
SA Reber, M Boeckle, G Szipl, J Janisch, T Bugnyar, WT Fitch
Animal Behaviour 116, 153-162, 2016
Mate Recognition and Expression of Affective State in Croop Calls of Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)
G Szipl, M Boeckle, SAB Werner, K Kotrschal
PloS one 9 (2), e88265, 2014
Learning and motor inhibitory control in crows and domestic chickens
CAF Wascher, K Allen, G Szipl
Royal Society open science 8 (10), 210504, 2021
Parental behaviour and family proximity as key to gosling survival in Greylag Geese (Anser anser)
G Szipl, A Loth, CAF Wascher, J Hemetsberger, K Kotrschal, D Frigerio
Journal of ornithology 160, 473-483, 2019
Craving Ravens: Individual ‘haa’Call Rates at Feeding Sites as Cues to Personality and Levels of Fission-Fusion Dynamics?
G Szipl, T Bugnyar
Animal behavior and cognition 1 (3), 265, 2014
Differential responses to gosling distress calls in parental and non-parental Greylag Geese
A Loth, D Frigerio, K Kotrschal, G Szipl
Journal of Ornithology 159 (2), 401-412, 2018
Physiological and behavioural response in carrion crows (Corvus corone corone) after relocation to a new environment
M Spreafico, G Szipl, K Kotrschal, C Wascher
Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift, 61-62, 2012
Räumliche Ausbreitung und Zusammenschluss von Dohlenkolonien, Corvus monedula, im Rahmen eines erfolgreichen Auswilderungsprojekts
J Wagner, G Szipl, C Schwab
Vogelwarte 49, 163-174, 2011
Untersuchungen zur Gehegenutzung von Waschbären (Procyon lotor) im Wildpark Schwarze Berge
S Stempell, H Müller, T Schubert, B Köhnemann, M Bruhn, S Jappe, ...
Der Zoologische Garten 77 (2), 96-103, 2007
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Articles 1–20