Pouya Baniasadi
Cited by
Cited by
A transformation technique for the clustered generalized traveling salesman problem with applications to logistics
P Baniasadi, M Foumani, K Smith-Miles, V Ejov
European Journal of Operational Research 285 (2), 444-457, 2020
Deterministic “Snakes and Ladders” Heuristic for the Hamiltonian cycle problem
P Baniasadi, V Ejov, JA Filar, M Haythorpe, S Rossomakhine
Mathematical Programming Computation 6 (1), 55-75, 2014
A new benchmark set for Traveling salesman problem and Hamiltonian cycle problem
P Baniasadi, V Ejov, M Haythorpe, S Rossomakhine
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.09285, 2018
Genetic theory for cubic graphs
P Baniasadi, V Ejov, JA Filar, M Haythorpe, P Baniasadi, V Ejov, JA Filar, ...
Genetic Theory for Cubic Graphs, 1-26, 2016
Deterministic" Snakes and Ladders" Heuristic for the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem
P Baniasadi, V Ejov, JA Filar, M Haythorpe, S Rossomakhine
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.10337, 2019
Algorithms for Solving Variations of the Traveling Salesman Problem
P Baniasadi
Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering., 2019
Bayesian modelling of visual discrimination learning in mice
P Baniasadi
University of Cambridge, 2022
Some applications of non-linear modelsť show extra info.
G Ekbohm, A Aluja, RE MacDowell, S Sitharama Iyengar, P Kooiman, ...
Report/Department of Economics and Statistics. Swedish University of …, 2016
Uniqueness of Ancestor Genes
P Baniasadi, V Ejov, JA Filar, M Haythorpe, P Baniasadi, V Ejov, JA Filar, ...
Genetic Theory for Cubic Graphs, 61-92, 2016
Inherited Properties of Descendants
P Baniasadi, V Ejov, JA Filar, M Haythorpe, P Baniasadi, V Ejov, JA Filar, ...
Genetic Theory for Cubic Graphs, 27-59, 2016
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Articles 1–10